Workspace Streaming

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Recommend Configuration changes for SWS  

Mar 01, 2016 12:57 PM


Configuration changes that can be done to improve the stability of services in Software Workspace Streaming (SWS)

NOTE: These changes are to be applied to versions of SWS before 7.6 HF3 and some of these changes can be in 7.6 HF2 and you will need to verify that each setting or registry key exists on your system. If you apply an upgrade you will have to reapply each change.

Java Garbage Collection


  1. Navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\ASWEStreamletEngine\Parameters"
  2. Determine the highest number or value for all the registry entries named "JVM Option Number x" example: JVM Option Number 18
  3. Ensure the value in parenthesis for the "JVM Option Count" registry entry is one cardinal number higher than the highest "JVM Option Count" number     example 0x00000013(19)
  4. Now modify the "JVM Option Count" registry entry to the next cardinal number (+1) example: from 0x00000013(19) to 0x00000013(20)
  5. Create a new "String Value" named "JVM Option Number x" where x is the next cardinal option number example: JVM Option Number 19
  6. Modify the newly created string and give it a "Decimal" value (under 'Value data') of "-XX:-UseConcMarkSweepGC" (without the quotes)
  7. Reboot the server or restart all SWS Services

Data Access (DA)

  1. Navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\ASWEDAServ\Parameters"
  2. Determine the highest number or value for all the registry entries named "JVM Option Number x" example: JVM Option Number 18
  3. Ensure the value in parenthesis for the "JVM Option Count" registry entry is one cardinal number higher than the highest "JVM Option Count" number     example 0x00000013(19)
  4. Now modify the "JVM Option Count" registry entry to the next cardinal number (+1) example: from 0x00000013(19) to 0x00000013(20)
  5. Create a new "String Value" named "JVM Option Number x" where x is the next cardinal option number example: JVM Option Number 19
  6. Modify the newly created string and give it a "Decimal" value (under 'Value data') of "-XX:-UseConcMarkSweepGC" (without the quotes)
  7. Reboot the server or restart all SWS Services

Front End (FE)

  1. Navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\ASWELaunchServ\Parameters"
  2. Determine the highest number or value for all the registry entries named "JVM Option Number x" example: JVM Option Number 18
  3. Ensure the value in parenthesis for the "JVM Option Count" registry entry is one cardinal number higher than the highest "JVM Option Count" number     example 0x00000013(19)
  4. Now modify the "JVM Option Count" registry entry to the next cardinal number (+1) example: from 0x00000013(19) to 0x00000013(20)
  5. Create a new "String Value" named "JVM Option Number x" where x is the next cardinal option number example: JVM Option Number 19
  6. Modify the newly created string and give it a "Decimal" value (under 'Value data') of "-XX:-UseConcMarkSweepGC" (without the quotes)
  7. Reboot the server or restart all SWS Services


LDAP Caching

LDAP caching will improve stability if there are issues with the AD environment or network connection to the AD environment is having issues.

NOTE: raising the LDAP caching time will only effect group provisions and not user provisions.


On the STE server find the provision.xml and change


On the DA find the provision.xml and change:
C:\Symantec\Workspace Streaming\Server\streamletEngine\da\conf\provision.xml


LDAP Interval Checking

There is a process where the SWS checks to see if a connection to the LDAP exists and can query for a user named "a" and expects that a returned result. The system is not expecting that there is a user "a" in the AD unless you have created one in your environment. 

In the ste.conf on the STE component server change the following.

(NOTE:The STE service or server will need to be restarted)



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