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 Symantec Email portal login queries.

Maithili Shanmuganathan's profile image
Maithili Shanmuganathan posted Jul 28, 2022 11:38 PM
Hi Experts,

I have questions regarding Symantec Email portal login.

Question 1
What is the maximum number of login attempt failures to the account get locked?

Question 2
Do we get to know the exact time when the account is locked after a specific user fails to log in?

Question 3
What is the duration for a locked account to get unlocked?

Question 4
After a user logged in, what is the maximum time of inactivity on the portal that lead to the account log out ?

Thank you.

Martin Line's profile image
Broadcom Employee Martin Line
Note: These answers pertain to the "Log In" button and not the "Log In with Symantec account" button, which has different rules and more edge cases.

1. The account will be locked after 3 successive invalid login attempts
2. That information is not currently customer-facing, but some new reports are planned that will give access to it
3. Accounts will not be automatically unlocked, they need to be unlocked by another user that has access to User Management or reset using the password recovery process
4. 20 minutes
