Messaging Gateway

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 Remove IP address from bad reputation IP list.

Vaclav Pech's profile image
Vaclav Pech posted Mar 18, 2024 06:40 AM


We have changed antiSPAM vendor and now using two HA boxes for email comunication. I would like to know, why does one of our ip address have bad reputation (BR)? We have asked you  multiple times to remove it from bad ip reputation list. But next day IP address has BR again. This situation is repeating. The IP address is the new relevant mail server and we are not listed on any other ****.

 delist our IP permanently or tell us reason why you are still adding us to bad reputation ip list.

Best regards

Thomas Anderson's profile image
Broadcom Employee Thomas Anderson

There is an existing thread on what the process is to get IP addresses removed from the reputation list, so I'm not going to rehash all that here.

I believe the IP reputation page does display the reason for the IPs status. 

Keep in mind that this is just a public forum, it is NOT a customer support portal, so posting a request here to get something delisted isn't going to be productive.  The best path forward is to open a case with Customer Support.  If you are NOT a customer, then the best path forward is for you to find a customer common to both BRCM and yourself to open a case to get the IP in question removed.