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 Need OST inventory and PST inventory

Shawn Mayhew's profile image
Shawn Mayhew posted Jun 26, 2024 04:23 PM

Only thing I have found so far was a very old script Altiris Inventory - Detaile File Inventory for PST/OST | Client Management Suite (

that does not work. 

I have tried modifying my full inventory to look for .OST and .PST

I can see the file in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook  but inventory is not grabbing it.  

I already changed the Windows folders scan by removing the %appData% exclusion 

Chris Farrell's profile image
Broadcom Employee Chris Farrell

Hi Shawn,

A custom inventory would work great for this:

Just change MDB for PST or OST on this line of the example VB script:

Set objCIMObj = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM CIM_DataFile where Extension='mdb'") '***File extension here

to this:

Set objCIMObj = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM CIM_DataFile where Extension='pst'") '***File extension here

Shawn Mayhew's profile image
Shawn Mayhew

that answer does not work for .OST files in c:\Users - not allow to search 

Can't believe this isn't built into the application  

Roman Vassiljev's profile image
Broadcom Employee Roman Vassiljev

Hi Shawn,

In your screenshot, the rule configured for collecting Outlook files has an option to report only file counts/size. This data is populated solely in the "Disk Usage By File Type" data class.

If you want more information about file properties, you need to uncheck this option in the rule. Doing so will allow more data, including the full path, to be collected in the "Installed File Details" data class.

Please double check the Windows Folders exclusion—it may be that some of them still exclude the desired folder.

Additionally, please ensure that the task or policy is running under an account that has access to the desired folder.

Rule I used to collect this data:



Shawn Mayhew's profile image
Shawn Mayhew

interesting - the report -- Disk Usage by File Extension - Table -dbo.Inv_SW_Disk_Usage_by_File_Type  does not match my custom report that I created to track OST file types.  

I am using 

select distinct  vc.Name , 
--  vc.Domain, --vc.IsManaged, --ifd._ResourceGuid ,
  ifd.Name,  --isc.[Version],    
ifdet.FileSize ,
CAST (  ( ifdet.filesize / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0))  
AS DECIMAL (10,2)) AS 'OST Size GB',  
ifdet.FileExtension --,    vsc.Name , vsc.ProductUninstalled 
   from inv_installed_file_details ifd 
   join vcomputer vc on vc.guid = ifd._resourceguid
   left join resourceassociation ra on ifd.fileresourceguid = ra.childresourceguid
   left join vsoftwarecomponent vsc on vsc.guid = ra.parentresourceguid
   left outer join inv_software_component isc on isc._resourceguid = vsc.guid
   left outer join inv_file_details ifdet on ifdet._resourceguid = ifd.fileresourceguid  
    ( ifdet.FileExtension = 'ost'  or  ifdet.FileExtension = 'pst' )

Shawn Mayhew's profile image
Shawn Mayhew

ok after a week of running this - I have 11277 machines that have done a full inventory - only 1932 of those machines have collected OST data.  

I know on my machine when I scanned it - the OST file is getting missed. Thinking I need to do a ticket at this point