interesting - the report -- Disk Usage by File Extension - Table -dbo.Inv_SW_Disk_Usage_by_File_Type does not match my custom report that I created to track OST file types.
I am using
select distinct vc.Name ,
-- vc.Domain, --vc.IsManaged, --ifd._ResourceGuid ,
ifd.Name, --isc.[Version],
ifdet.FileSize ,
CAST ( ( ifdet.filesize / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0))
AS DECIMAL (10,2)) AS 'OST Size GB',
ifdet.FileExtension --, vsc.Name , vsc.ProductUninstalled
from inv_installed_file_details ifd
join vcomputer vc on vc.guid = ifd._resourceguid
left join resourceassociation ra on ifd.fileresourceguid = ra.childresourceguid
left join vsoftwarecomponent vsc on vsc.guid = ra.parentresourceguid
left outer join inv_software_component isc on isc._resourceguid = vsc.guid
left outer join inv_file_details ifdet on ifdet._resourceguid = ifd.fileresourceguid
( ifdet.FileExtension = 'ost' or ifdet.FileExtension = 'pst' )