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 how to clean cve-actions logs on client

Yuwei Qi's profile image
Yuwei Qi posted May 05, 2023 03:08 AM

I have some Windows SEP clients. There are many old cve logs even more than 3 years.  When I tried to delete them, there is an error about not permission. I know they should be protected by SEP. But I also cannot stop the SepMasterService.
how can I delete them? They are more than 10GB.

SHHSU's profile image


Are you the SEPM admin in your organization? If yes, then you can consider to configure following log retention settings:

1> "client log" settings under Policies tab of Clients section

2> "Policies" section -> "Virus and Spyware protection" -> Windows settings -> Advanced options -> Miscellaneous -> "Log Handling" tab -> Log Retention.

Here is the link for your reference.  Configuring Endpoint Protection Client Logging and External Logging (broadcom.com)

Configuring Endpoint Protection Client Logging and External Logging (broadcom.com)