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 How is the volume quote of a single user tracked

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Wasfi Bounni's profile image
Broadcom Knight Wasfi Bounni posted Sep 27, 2023 06:24 AM


How does the Proxy track the volume quote of a single user. Say we want to give this user 10 GB quota per week.

I guess it cannot be a session cookie since this user is more likely to close her/his browser many times during this week.



Klaus Klinge's profile image
Klaus Klinge  Best Answer

Hi Wasfi,
I suspect that the proxy does this based on the IP address of the client. 
Accordingly, the LEASE time in DHCP should be set to one week, or DHCP should always give all clients the same IP address.

Why do I think it is done this way? A proxy shows in its user statistics the number of Client IP addresses and not the number of users - even if it does an authentication of all users. I know of cases where Citrix servers are used. There are about 20 users on one terminal server and the proxy shows only one user aka one IP.

Best regards,

Jan Turba's profile image
Broadcom Employee Jan Turba

Hello Wasfi,

I trust you are well. Please follow this KB to set it up:,be%20a%20minimum%20of%206.6.
