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  • 1.  Windows 11 upgrade through Altiris

    Posted Oct 05, 2022 04:38 AM
    Hello community,

    In our company we are starting to think about the upgrade from Windows 10
    to Windows 11, especially for the computers that, obviously, are ready for
    Windows 11 and can be upgraded for free. Who knows if after two years those
    computers cannot be upgraded for free because the time to do it has expired
    and we need to purchase licenses.

    We have tried the upgrade though Altiris in some computers following the
    same steps as we have followed with Windows 10 upgrades (build version
    upgrades) but it failed in some cases.

    I was wondering if any of you have already started to make the upgrades
    through Altiris and if we need to take something into account before
    upgrading: initial Windows 10 version, patch level, drivers, dynamic
    updates enable....

    Any advice will be welcome!

    Thanks a lot and keep in touch,

    Best Regards / Saludos


  • 2.  RE: Windows 11 upgrade through Altiris

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Oct 05, 2022 05:12 AM

    Good morning Pablo!

    Here is a KB for Windows 10 upgrade to Windows 11 via Managed Delivery Policy

    Another link to get custom inventory about TPM, see all gathered information in custom report

    Using default inventory reports, administrator can identify managed computers with not enough Disk free space or Memory so they do not match requirements for Win11 upgrade.
    To identify which windows clients do not have at least Windows 10 (2004) version (because Windows10 (2004) is a minimum version that is allowed to be upgraded to Windows11) as well as CPU Architecture , can be used default 'modified' SQL query (used in "Resource Manager" page)

    c.[System Type],
    --c.[OS Name],
    --c.[OS Type],
    --c.[OS Version],
    --c.[OS Revision],
    --c.[Last Logon User],
    --c.[Last Logon Domain],
    --c.[Client Date],
    --c.[OS Major Version],
    --c.[OS Minor Version],
    --c.[OS Build Number],
    --c.[OS Primary Language],
    --c.[OS Sub Language],
    --c.[User Primary Language],
    --c.[User Sub Language],
    --c.[Install Primary Language],
    --c.[Install Sub Language],
    --c.[Unique ID],
    --c.[Timezone Bias],
    --c.[Hardware Serial Number],
    c.[BIOS Serial Number],
    --c.[HW Chassis Serial Number],
    --CASE WHEN c.[OS System Mask] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnBinToChar(c.[OS System Mask]) END AS 'OS System Mask (HEX)',
    CASE WHEN c.[OS System Mask] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnSysMask_GetPlatformName (c.[OS System Mask]) END AS 'Platform',
    CASE WHEN c.[OS System Mask] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnSysMask_GetTypeName (c.[OS System Mask]) END AS 'Type',
    CASE WHEN c.[OS System Mask] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnSysMask_GetOSNumberNameEx2 (c.[OS System Mask], c.[DisplayVersion]) END AS 'OS Name',
    CASE WHEN c.[OS System Mask] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnSysMask_GetHWPlatformName (c.[OS System Mask]) END AS 'Hardware Platform',
    CASE WHEN c.[OS System Mask] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnSysMask_GetArchitectureName (c.[OS System Mask]) END AS 'Processor Architecture',
    --CASE WHEN c.[OS System Mask] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnSysMask_GetTagFlagsName (c.[OS System Mask]) END AS 'OS System Mask - Tag Flags',
    --CASE WHEN c.[OS System Mask] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnSysMask_GetServicePackName (c.[OS System Mask]) END AS 'OS System Mask - Service Pack',
    CASE WHEN c.[OS System Mask] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnSysMask_GetOSEditionName (c.[OS System Mask]) END AS 'OS Edition',
    --CASE WHEN c.[OS Comparable Version] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnBinToChar(c.[OS Comparable Version]) END AS 'OS Comparable Version (HEX)',
    CASE WHEN c.[OS Comparable Version] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnGetComparableVersionAsString(c.[OS Comparable Version]) END AS 'OS Version'
    --c.[OS Canonical Name]
    FROM Inv_AeX_AC_Identification c
    JOIN vComputer vc
    ON c._ResourceGuid = vc.Guid
    WHERE vc.IsManaged=1

    Best regards,


  • 3.  RE: Windows 11 upgrade through Altiris

    Posted Oct 06, 2022 10:44 AM
    Hi Pablo,

    I´ve also published a Windows 11 Readiness Custom Inventory Powershell Script on my Blog
    It also includes a Report that could be used to create filter / targets for capable Devices.