Original Message:
Sent: Sep 28, 2023 04:44 AM
From: Igor Perevozchikov
Subject: Software Bulletin Details - empty report generated
Please provide how "spPMCoreReport_SoftwareBulletinSummary" stored procedure is running when you click "Refresh" button in "Software Bulletin Details" report
Open "Software Bulletin Details" report
Open "Altiris Profiler" > start SQL profiling >
Now click "Run" button in "Software Bulletin Details" report after this stop Altiris profiling
Find in Altiris profiler record for exec dbo.spPMCoreReport_SoftwareBulletinSummary
Copy content of exec dbo.spPMCoreReport_SoftwareBulletinSummary from Altiris profiler like it is shown on picture below (and share it here)
Example of how it works on my environment

Try to run this Query from SQL management studio
exec dbo.spPMCoreReport_SoftwareBulletinSummary
@pTimeValue = '24',
@pTimeUnit = 'yy',
@pPlatform = 'Windows',
@pVendor = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
@pDownloadStatus = '-1',
@pShowSuperseded = '1',
@pCulture = 'en-US',
@ScopeCollectionGuid = '91c68fcb-1822-e793-b59c-2684e99a64cd',
@TrusteeScope = '{2E1F478A-4986-4223-9D1E-B5920A63AB41},{582029E2-FC5B-4717-8808-B80D6EF0FD67},{72A7741E-D2E6-4CB6-A908-2A61387CFE16},{B760E9A9-E4DB-404C-A93F-AEA51754AA4F}'
Also please execute SQL Queries below and share what data is returned
SELECT COUNT(PrimaryInfoURL) FROM Inv_Software_Bulletin WHERE PrimaryInfoURL LIKE '%microsoft%'
SELECT COUNT(UpdateGuid) FROM vPMWindows_UpdateApplicable
Other question:
Does Customer have language packs installed on current ITMS Server?
Open Symantec Installation Manager > click "Install optional components"

If "Install Language packs" checkbox is available, then check it and click next button > what list of products it shows that available for further installation? please share screenshot or list.
Best regards,
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 28, 2023 04:27 AM
From: Ain Abdullah
Subject: Software Bulletin Details - empty report generated
Checked all above. Everything seems to be in fine.
AUP is not expired, PMImport status is OK. Only Software Bulletin Details = blank report.
What else should I look for?
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 18, 2023 12:11 AM
From: Igor Perevozchikov
Subject: Software Bulletin Details - empty report generated
Hi Ain Abdullah!
What you mean about: "Other Patch Management is functioning normally" what exact functionality is working but only this report shows no data?
You are logged in under account from "Symantec Administrators" role or ?
Please check "Windows Compliance" dashboard to make sure that license AUP isn't expired yet and there are computers with Software Update Agent installed and they are reporting their assessment scan results to NS.

Does latest PMImport task instance contain information that Bulletins and Update were imported?

Best regards,
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 17, 2023 08:13 PM
From: Ain Abdullah
Subject: Software Bulletin Details - empty report generated
Hi IP,
Thanks for responding.
Other compliance report looks normal except for "Software Bulletin Details" report. Other Patch Management is functioning normally. There is no event generated in the Log Viewer when running the Software Bulletin Details report.
What else should I check?
Thanks again,
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 15, 2023 03:43 AM
From: Igor Perevozchikov
Subject: Software Bulletin Details - empty report generated
Hi Ain Abdullah!
Please check this KB and follow steps to get Patch data for SMP Server without internet connection.
Best regards,
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 15, 2023 03:33 AM
From: Ain Abdullah
Subject: Software Bulletin Details - empty report generated
Version used: 8.6 RU1
SMP is a non-internet facing server
All other functions (metadata import tasks, package download) are working fine.
The issue is the Software Bulletin Details report is blank. Anyone had this issue before? Any suggestion on what else is to check?
Thanks all.