Upgrading Windows 10 to version 1809 as a software deployment can have a few challenges. Let's break down potential issues and how to handle them in **** terms:
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 29, 2023 02:30 AM
From: Maxine Bruns
Subject: Issues upgrading W10 to 1809 as a software deployment
Regarding the use of Patch Management with non-English versions of Windows 10, you are considering enabling other languages to apply the 1809 patch to computers with non-English native versions. You have some questions and concerns about enabling additional languages and the impact on the patching process.
Microsoft's security updates are usually language-agnostic and can be applied to computers with any language version of Windows. However, other Microsoft applications like .NET, Internet Explorer (IE), Office, etc., might have language-specific updates. If the language of the update doesn't match the language of the installed application, the update might not be applicable or might not work as expected
When you enable patching in additional languages, the retroactive download of patches depends on your Patch Management configuration. If you have configured Patch Management to download all available updates for all enabled languages, then the past bulletins downloaded in English will start downloading updates for the newly enabled languages as well. If you have a selective language configuration for patch downloads, then the past bulletins might not retroactively download updates in the newly enabled languages. Only future bulletins will be downloaded based on the updated configuration.
Enabling a second language for patching will likely increase the space used by patch downloads. The exact increase will depend on the size and frequency of patches in the additional language. The space usage might be proportional to the number and size of patches in the new language. However, it's challenging to provide an exact figure without knowing the specific patch distribution.
To solve the issues you are facing with the upgrade process and to address your concerns about patch management in multiple languages, I recommend reaching out to Broadcom support or the Altiris community forums. They can provide more specific guidance and troubleshooting tailored to your setup and configuration.
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 31, 2019 05:50 AM
From: Jesus Añez Gomez
Subject: Issues upgrading W10 to 1809 as a software deployment
Hello evrybody,
As our Patching management is in configured for geting metadata just in ENG but many computers have W10 natively in non ENG version, we cannot apply the 1809 patch EN to those computers if we dont enable the other languages, so we need to use Software deployment.
We have followed the article where it is explained, but for upgrades coming from 1709 and 1803, the process fails at all. The process starts but after few reboots, the machine never start again entering into in a infinite loop rebooting, leaving the computer completelly crashed.
We know that it worked for upgrades to 1709 because our colleges in NA used it, but is not working when the upgrades is from 1709 as I have explained.
Has someone else faced this problem? how it was solved?
In case that we want to use Patch Management enabling the other languages to maye apply the patch in French or Spanish... how the rest of bulletings already downloaded will act? If we have downloaded bulletings that also containg updates in other languages, those will be downlaoded retroactively?
1.- We think that the MS security updates will be appliable to those computers because as far as as I know those bulletins are for any language, but what happen with other MS applications like .NET, IE, Office etc? how is the impact of the patchs that will not be appliable to non native EN cmputers?
2.- If we activate now the pacthing in more languages, how retroactive is the download of patches? I mean, the buletins already downloaded in EN during this year will start to download the updates in other languages? or In case of enaling, it will be enabled for the comings bulletins?
3.- Should I think that the space used by patches dowloaded in Site Servers will be twice if I enable a second language? or 1.5 times? or not much more higher?
Thanks a lot in advance!