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Is this the place to ask about Symantec VIP Access?

  • 1.  Is this the place to ask about Symantec VIP Access?

    Posted 13 days ago

    I have brokerage accounts at Etrade.  They use Symantec VIP access for 2FA.

    I've been using Authy for years. But it seems that Authy or other 2FA apps can't work with etrade / can't replace Norton?  Since etrade is asking for info from the VIP app, not the other way around?

    But VIP access does let you scan QR codes for other sites to add 'normal' 2FA info?  But what I liked about authy was that they back up all those sites / secret keys for the different websites.

    Does Norton do that? And / or if I lose my phone or it breaks, what's involved in recreating all the sites that were stored in the phone before breaking / loss?

    Is there a place to find info like this?  Etrade tech support understandably doesn't know anything about the app beyond how they use it.