Please create symanctec support ticket, and post back the suggestion and result.
It will be helpful to us to understand what and where exactly the trigger.
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 18, 2023 02:30 PM
From: adroman
Subject: Can't disable URL Reputation after upgrade to 14.3_RU7
Client logs also confirm that the policy disables URL reputation, but URL reputation enables automatically without any reason after some period of time without any reason.
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 18, 2023 05:38 AM
From: adroman
Subject: Can't disable URL Reputation after upgrade to 14.3_RU7
I also created new Test group, relocated to it my computers and switched to non-shared group policy. Unfortunately no luck. It works approximately for 10 minutes and after some short period of time enables again. It seems even that the problem is not that I can't disable URL Reputation, but that it enables back itself automatically after some short period of time.
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 12, 2023 07:19 AM
From: Still LOL
Subject: Can't disable URL Reputation after upgrade to 14.3_RU7
Why don't you Allow the SID: 60501 from Exceptions (SEPM, Intrusion Prevention Policy, Under Windows Settings)
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 11, 2023 12:46 AM
From: adroman
Subject: Can't disable URL Reputation after upgrade to 14.3_RU7
Unfortunately after reinstalling SEPM the issue still persists. It works for some time, approximately for 10 minutes and than goes back to green dot and enabled policy.
Original Message:
Sent: Jun 18, 2023 12:09 PM
From: Ed Agoff
Subject: Can't disable URL Reputation after upgrade to 14.3_RU7
That's odd. A quick test of my own behaves as expected. Is this reproducible, occuring on different machines? What is the full SEP version, original and upgrade? What is the version of the SEPM? Are the symptoms unique to the upgrade path you followed, i.e. does it behave this way in a fresh installation of RU7? I'd otherwise gather SymDiag WPP logging while toggling this setting off/on, and open a case with Broadcom tech support for further investigation.
Original Message:
Sent: Jun 18, 2023 07:11 AM
From: adroman
Subject: Can't disable URL Reputation after upgrade to 14.3_RU7
There are several types of confirmation:
1) Self-triggering in the browser.
2) No errors in the client status, when disabled there is a notification that it is disabled with orange color.
3) I have green dot in system tray - it is not green when it's disabled.
Original Message:
Sent: Jun 18, 2023 02:23 AM
From: Ed Agoff
Subject: Can't disable URL Reputation after upgrade to 14.3_RU7
What do you see that makes you think that URL Reputation is still working despite the disabled setting?
Original Message:
Sent: Jun 17, 2023 04:30 PM
From: adroman
Subject: Can't disable URL Reputation after upgrade to 14.3_RU7
Dear friends,
I never had a problem disabling "URL Reputation" before, but after upgrading from 14.3_RU4 to 14.3_RU7 it did. No matter how I disabled "URL Reputation" - in the policy on the serv
er or locally on the client - this setting still works. How to turn it off now?