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3077 Entries
6 years ago
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Workflow Solution is used to create and implement automated processes that link together people, process, and technology, including the ability to create enduser forms and communicate ...

6 years ago
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Package Project
There are a number of ways to Package a project.

In the Workflow Manager you can select a Project and click "Package" 

Click on Package Project.

I ...

6 years ago
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6 years ago
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With the  WF 8.1 RU5 release a new set of  SEP 14 Components were added to the Solution.

If you create a new Project and add the Integration Library "Symantec.Components.SEP14.dll"
[Install ...

6 years ago
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Workflow Projects allow you to change meta data like the "Name", "Author mail" and "Description" within the Project editor.

The Integration Project does not.

As you can see ...

6 years ago
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How to restore all default and custom (shared) schedules for ITMS
Somehow your shared and custom schedules were removed from Task Scheduler Library on ITMS machine ...

6 years ago
2 people recommend this.

A question from @epkpej  was asked on another of my Articles

Using the REST Generator (Response Content) in Workflow 7.6 ...

6 years ago
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This tutorial is intended to help you understand how hanging path triggers work, and the difference between the triggers.  Generally, the Workflow designer canvas expects lines to be ...

6 years ago
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This tutorial is intended to help you understand how exception triggers work, and the difference between the triggers.  Every Workflow project starts with a "Critical Errors" model, ...

6 years ago
3 people recommend this.

Edit: added codepen snippet at Master Hedley's request; updated javascript to include onmouseleave event.  Updated attached package.

I received a request last week to put together ...
