Desktop Email Encryption

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10 years ago
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寄稿: Azam Raza




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10 years ago
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養子を熱望している夫婦を狙って 419 詐欺 のバリエーションを利用する、新手の詐欺が発生しています。その巧妙な手口に騙されて偽の養子縁組み話に乗ってしまうと、被害者は弁護士費用や行政手続き費用を支払うよう求められます。

最近の 419 詐欺のほとんどは、スパマー自身の独創性ではなく被害者の無防備さに頼っていますが、一部の詐欺師は被害者と直接の対話を進めることで信用を勝ち取ろうと考え始めたようです。十分に調査された手口で説得力もあり、ときには話に信憑性を持たせ、詳しく調べられてもボロが出ないように、実話を拝借する場合さえあります。

偽の養子縁組みを利用する詐欺は、古くからあったようです ...

10 years ago
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A Páscoa, como muitas outras datas comemorativas, deveria significar um dia de alegria, o que obviamente remete a presentes, compras e festas. Porém, essa animação não é a única coisa ...

10 years ago
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Uma variação de 419 scam de e-mails está sendo usada por fraudadores para tirar proveito de casais desprotegidos que querem adotar um bebê. Cuidadosamente as vítimas são atraídas para ...

10 years ago
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Contributor: Azam Raza

Easter, like all other celebrations is meant to be a day of jubilation, which of course means gifts, shopping, and spreading cheer. However, cheer is not ...

10 years ago
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A variation on the 419 email scam is being used by fraudsters to take advantage of couples desperate to adopt a child. Once they are carefully lured into a fake adoption process, the ...

10 years ago
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Last week, we shared details  of how the HeartBleed OpenSSL vulneratbility affected our Email & Web Security products.

The newest feature in our Web product, the ...

10 years ago
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シマンテックは最近、Facebook の表示を偽装するフィッシングサイトを確認しており、なかには元ニューデリー州首相でありアーム・アードミ党の党首であるアルビンド・ケジリワル(Arvind ...

10 years ago
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Politicians are frequently featured on phishing sites and in light of the ongoing general election in India, phishers are starting to target Indian users by using a local politician ...

10 years ago
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By now you should be well aware of the vulnerability CVE-2014-0160, nicknamed HeartBleed , that exists in a number of versions of OpenSSL - an extremely popular open source cryptographic ...