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Oracle Row Level Security: Part 1 

Nov 07, 2003 02:00 AM

by Pete Finnigan

In this short paper I want to explore the rather interesting row level security feature added to Oracle 8i and above, starting with version 8.1.5. This functionality has been described as fine grained access control or row level security or virtual private databases but they all essentially mean the same thing. We will come back to this shortly but before we do that lets get to what this paper is about. This paper is meant as an overview; a taster in fact of what row level security can be used for and how it can be used, with some simple examples to illustrate. I want to also discuss some of the issues with row level security. Finally, I also want to show how to view what row level security components have been implemented in the database and also touch on how to view how the actual database queries are altered by the row level security functionality in the oracle optimizer.

The example program code used in this paper is available at http://www.petefinnigan.com/sql.htm.

So many names

There seem to be many conflicting names for Row Level Security throughout its existence in Oracle. Why is this? Or more importantly does it really matter to us, the users of this technology? Of course not! The API package interface is called DBMS_RLS (for row level security) so we will stick to that for now.

There is also another name bandied about - label security - this is in fact another piece of functionality and is a replacement for the old trusted Oracle product. Label security is used by the more security minded customers of Oracle who are interested in higher levels of data protection and is an add-on for Oracle enterprise edition. A GUI tool called policy manager was added in 9i as part of enterprise manager and allows the setting up of label security. Label security is implemented on top of VPD. For label security the programs are pre-created and are implemented on a single column value. It is this column that represents the label. Because Oracle has already coded the functionality atop of VPD, label security can be implemented without programming expertise.

One other name that gets associated with virtual private databases, fine grained access control and row level security is fine grained auditing. This has nothing to do with fine grained access other than it works in a similar way and is managed by an API package DBMS_FGA and allows auditing to work at the row level. Fine grained auditing will not be discussed further here.

What can row level security be used for?

Why would a user of Oracle's database products want to use the row level security functionality? Well one of the main uses is to allow all of the data to be stored in one database for different departments or even for a hosting company to store data for different companies in one database. Previously this could have been done with Oracle by using either database views or database triggers or a combination of both. In general this leads to complex applications with a lot of code repetition.

If an application needed to cater to a number of departments that should only be able to access differing sets of data then a set of views would be created for each group of business users. These would have hard coded where clauses that implemented the business rules. Instead, database triggers would be utilized to cater for data manipulations. Grouping business users together to be able to use these sets of views and triggers tended to lead to the use of shared accounts.

Maintenance becomes difficult as adding a new business group, or in the case of multiple company's data in the same database, leads to the need to replicate and alter a whole set of views, triggers and associated code.

Auditing of individual user actions becomes a problem with the built in audit features as users share database accounts. To enable business users to be audited a whole set of authentication, application roles and audit features are generally implemented by the developers.

Where is all of this code? It could be in the client applications, or more recently in a middle tier application server. Maintenance is clearly a big issue! So is security - what would happen if a user connected to the database with a tool such as SQL*Plus or even MS Excel via ODBC and used one of the shared accounts? When applications control the differing business roles from manager down to lowest data in-putter then there is an issue. The shared database account needs to be able to see and use all of the functionality for every application role. So, when a direct connection is made to the database using one of these accounts a security hole exists.

The scenario I have painted is just one possibility; there are many others and similar issues will be obvious in those as well. Row level security can be a solution to some of these problems. Here are a few of the advantages of row level security:


  • Oracle's row level security provides a great improvement for this type of application where many users must connect to the same data but be segregated based on what parts of that data they are allowed to view and edit.
  • Maintenance becomes easier as now the business rules and security implementations are done through one PL/SQL procedure per table instead of being spread throughout the applications code.
  • It should be possible to retro-fit row level security to an existing application due to the fact that it is implemented on the server as close to the actual data as possible.
  • Because row level security is implemented as close to the data as possible, the loophole of accessing the data with a share account from a tool such as SQL*Plus is solved.
  • The issue of having to use shared accounts is no longer a problem as application roles / groups of users do not need to be segregated for the purpose of hard coding views onto the data. Row level security can be made to work with shared accounts though, if needed.
  • Auditing can now be done more easily using Oracles built in features.
  • Security policies can be associated with both database base tables and also database views.
  • Using row level security makes the application more manageable due to simpler designs and less potential code.
  • Row level security provides a protection against ad-hoc queries as the tool does not matter anymore; the data is secured for everyone at the source.

To close this section, it is worth noting that row level security does not make the old methods totally redundant, they can still be valid and be the best solution in some cases.

So how does it work - a brief example

Row level security is based around the idea of having a defined security policy function that is attached to a database table or view execute each time data in the table or view is queried or altered. This function returns an additional piece of SQL called a predicate that is attached to the original SQL's where clause before the SQL is used. This is done in the query optimizer and is actually done when the SQL is parsed and executed. When the SQL is executed it is actually the modified SQL that is executed on behalf of the user. This means that the policy function controls which rows of data are returned. The process can be thought of as a system trigger that is executed when a table is accessed that has a policy defined. This also means that it is now possible to use this functionality to write select triggers against tables.

Application contexts can also be used within the policy function to define which predicate is returned to the optimizer. These application contexts are stored in a namespace for each user and can be set in name/value pairs to identify which groups of users belong to which where clause! It is not mandatory though to use an application context.

Next let's look at a simple example of the use of row level security to see how it works. First start by creating a user to use for the test and grant some basic privileges needed. The user needs to be able to create a table and add data, create package procedures, create a context and access the row level security API and session packages.


 SQL> connect system/manager@zulia Connected. SQL> create user vpd identified by vpd default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp; User created. SQL> grant create session to vpd; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant create any context to vpd; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant create table to vpd; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant unlimited tablespace to vpd; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant create procedure to vpd; Grant succeeded. SQL> connect sys/change_on_install@zulia as sysdba Connected. SQL> grant execute on dbms_rls to vpd; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant execute on dbms_session to vpd; Grant succeeded. SQL>

In general there are a number of basic actions required in setting up and use of fine grained access control. These basic steps could be described as follows and be applied to our example:


In our case we will use a simple test table called transactions that we will create for the purpose. This table holds some financial details for a fictitious company. These financial transactions include dates, credits, debits, transaction types and cost centres.

In the real world an application would probably want to protect tables that hold critical data or data that pertained to different divisions of an organisation or... at the design stage data that should be viewed by certain groups of users should be identified and any tables or views that store or reveal that data should be candidates for row level security.

The test table can be created and data can now be populated:


 SQL> connect vpd/vpd@zulia Connected. SQL> SQL> create table transactions (   2  trndate date,   3  credit_val number(12,2),   4  debit_val number(12,2),   5  trn_type varchar2(10),   6  cost_center varchar2(10)) tablespace users; Table created. SQL> SQL> insert into transactions (trndate,credit_val,debit_val,trn_type,cost_center)   2  values (to_date('15-OCT-2003','DD-MON-YYYY'),100.10,0.0,'PAY','CASH'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into transactions (trndate,credit_val,debit_val,trn_type,cost_center)   2 values (to_date('15-OCT-2003','DD-MON-YYYY'),50.23,0.0,'PAY','CASH'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into transactions (trndate,credit_val,debit_val,trn_type,cost_center)   2 values (to_date('15-OCT-2003','DD-MON-YYYY'),0.0,230.20,'INV','ACCOUNTS'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into transactions (trndate,credit_val,debit_val,trn_type,cost_center)   2 values (to_date('15-OCT-2003','DD-MON-YYYY'),15.24,0.0,'INT','ACCOUNTS'); 1 row created. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> select * from transactions; TRNDATE   CREDIT_VAL  DEBIT_VAL TRN_TYPE   COST_CENTE --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 15-OCT-03      100.1          0 PAY        CASH 15-OCT-03      50.23          0 PAY        CASH 15-OCT-03          0      230.2 INV        ACCOUNTS 15-OCT-03      15.24          0 INT        ACCOUNTS SQL>

Now that there is a table to protect and some data, let's move on to the next stage.


Defining the rules to be implemented is the next stage. This should revolve around which groups of people / workers should be able to access what data and how. It is possible to define differing rules on a table or view for reading data, writing data, updating data or deleting it.

In the case of our simple example we shall define the following rules. Any user in the accounts section can only view all transactions in the accounts cost centre. Any user who is employed as a clerk can view only cash cost centre transactions. Managers can view all transactions and finally any user who is not any of the above three cannot view any transactions. Existing records can be added and changed in the same groups with the same rules.


The security context is called an application context in Oracle and is a namespace that has name/value pairs. The only way to set a context is through the PL/SQL package that is bound to that context. Using a package bound to the context that has predefined rules to control setting of the context stops a malicious user from spoofing the context that she wants to gain better access.

Creating the context is reasonably easy - it should be associated with the PL/SQL package that will be used to set values in this context for users. The package does not have to exist yet to be able to create the context. Here is the code:


 SQL> show user USER is "VPD" SQL> create or replace context vpd_test using set_vpd_context; Context created. SQL> 


In a real application the function used to set the application or security context would set the context for the logged in user. Remember this is the function that was bound to the context when it was created. This allows a trusted method to set a user's context in the sense that the context can only be set through this function so it is controlled. The context could be set at logon time with a logon database trigger or could be executed by a client application or from the middle tier on the application server or in any other number of ways.

The setting of the context can be based on many things such as the time of day, the identity of the user who is logged on, where the user is logged in from, either the IP address (only if TCP is used) or the terminal. Here is an example of retrieving the IP Address:


 SQL> select sys_context('userenv','ip_address') from dual; SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','IP_ADDRESS') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQL> 

Many other application-based values could also be used such as department numbers, employee numbers, company job grade, desk location... if it is stored in the database then potentially it could be used to set the context. As discussed, in a real application we would code logic to check that the correct role had been set for a user but for our simple example we will simply provide a package that allows the setting of the application role accountant, manager or clerk. Here it is:


 SQL> create or replace package set_vpd_context   2  is   3   procedure set_manager;   4   procedure set_accountant;   5   procedure set_clerk;   6  end;   7  / Package created. SQL> 

As stated the context consists of name/value pairs. In this case we will define a variable name of app_role and set the relevant values in the package body:


 SQL> create or replace package body set_vpd_context   2  as   3   procedure set_manager   4   is   5   begin   6    dbms_session.set_context('vpd_test','app_role','manager');   7   end;   8   --   9   procedure set_accountant  10   is  11   begin  12    dbms_session.set_context('vpd_test','app_role','accountant');  13   end;  14   --  15   procedure set_clerk  16   is  17   begin  18    dbms_session.set_context('vpd_test','app_role','clerk');  19   end;  20  end;  21  / Package body created. SQL> 

OK, the context is now sorted, let's write the predicate function.


This is the core functionality of the row level security implementation. This function is what checks the context for the current user in line with the business rules defined above and implemented in the functions to set the security context. The function then, based on the rights of the user executing the select statement or update, insert or delete returns a predicate. This predicate is a dynamic piece of SQL that is appended to the where clause of the executing SQL by the Oracle optimizer at the time the SQL is parsed and executed.

It is possible to write and define separate policy functions for select, insert, update and delete for each table or view. This means that differing security rules can be defined for each type of access to the data. It is also possible to have multiple policies for each object and it is possible to define policy groups for objects - we will not go to this level of detail in this paper.

Policy functions always have to have the same signature as they are called by the optimizer for us. They can be thought of as a call back function. The function has to accept two varchar parameters for the schema owner and the object name and return a varchar string. The contents of the parameters can be used in anyway by the function. The prototype should be:


 function policy_function_name(owner in varchar2, object_name in varchar2) 		return varchar2 

For our example we will use just one function for all four types of access for now; this is to keep the example simple. The function can now be written as follows:


 SQL> create or replace package vpd_policy   2  as   3     function vpd_predicate(schema_name in varchar2, object_name in varchar2)   4     return varchar2;   5  end; SQL> / Package created. SQL> 

Now create the package body for the policy:


 SQL> create or replace package body vpd_policy   2  as   3     function vpd_predicate(schema_name in varchar2,object_name in varchar2)   4     return varchar2   5     is   6             lv_predicate varchar2(1000):='';   7     begin   8             if sys_context('vpd_test','app_role') = 'manager' then   9                     lv_predicate:=''; -- allow all access  10             elsif sys_context('vpd_test','app_role') = 'accountant' then  11                     lv_predicate:='cost_center=''ACCOUNTS''';  12             elsif sys_context('vpd_test','app_role') = 'clerk' then  13                     lv_predicate:='cost_center=''CASH''';  14             else  15                     lv_predicate:='1=2'; -- block access  16             end if;  17             return lv_predicate;  18     end;  19  end; SQL> / Package body created. SQL> show errors package body vpd_policy No errors. SQL> 


Almost all of the pieces are now in place before we can test the functionality. Next the policy function needs to be registered with the database and specifically with the table being secured. In a real application this stage is just the same as the example with one call needed to a sys owned package called DBMS_RLS. This package is the API interface to the Oracle kernel Row Level Security functionality. The package prototype can be found in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/dbmsrlsa.sql where details of the API calls can be seen.

For the example used in this paper, the same policy function will be used for all access methods to keep the example and testing reasonably simple. Here is the call to register the policy:


 SQL> begin   2     dbms_rls.add_policy(   3             object_schema => 'VPD',   4             object_name => 'TRANSACTIONS',   5             policy_name => 'VPD_TEST_POLICY',   6             function_schema => 'VPD',   7             policy_function => 'VPD_POLICY.VPD_PREDICATE',   8             statement_types => 'select, insert, update, delete',   9             update_check => TRUE,  10             enable => TRUE,  11             static_policy => FALSE);  12 end;  13 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> 


As mentioned above, the security context can be set automatically and one useful way to do this is by using a database logon trigger. An example piece of code to achieve this using one of the example application context procedures would be:


 create or replace trigger vpd_logon_trigger after logon on database begin 	set_vpd_context.set_accountant; end; /
  • Choose the tables or views to protect at the row level:
  • Define the business rules that will be followed for accessing data in these tables
  • Create a security context to manage application sessions
  • Create a procedure or function to manage setting of the security context for users
  • Write a package to generate the dynamic access predicates for access to each table
  • Register the policy function / package with Oracle using the DBMS_RLS package.
  • Automate the setting of the security context


Testing the example

Finally it is time to test the policies that have been set up and see if they actually restrict access as planned. First of all we will log in as the owner of the table and see if we can see the records:
 SQL> connect vpd/vpd@zulia Connected. SQL> select * from transactions; no rows selected

Strange, shouldn't we see four records as the user vpd is the owner of this table? Well actually the result is correct as currently no application role (security context) has been set for this user and the business security rules that were defined stated that when no application role is set then no data should be accessed. Next set the clerk role and examine what is visible:


 SQL> exec set_vpd_context.set_clerk; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Use the following SQL to confirm that the application role was correctly set. SQL> col namespace for a15 SQL> col attribute for a15 SQL> col value for a15 SQL> select * from session_context; NAMESPACE       ATTRIBUTE       VALUE --------------- --------------- --------------- VPD_TEST        APP_ROLE        clerk Now check what records can be viewed in the transactions table. SQL> select * from transactions; TRNDATE   CREDIT_VAL  DEBIT_VAL TRN_TYPE   COST_CENTE --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 15-OCT-03      100.1          0 PAY        CASH 15-OCT-03      50.23          0 PAY        CASH SQL>

Great! We are on track as we have correctly been only able to see the CASH transactions as defined for anyone working in as a clerk. What would happen if the context were to be set directly by using dbms_session, and not the associated package? Here is what happens:


 SQL> exec dbms_session.set_context('vpd_test','app_role','manager'); BEGIN dbms_session.set_context('vpd_test','app_role','manager'); END; * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SESSION", line 78 ORA-06512: at line 1 SQL>

This shows that Oracle will only allow the context to be set using the correctly associated function - for this example set_vpd_context.

Next let's set the application role to accountant and test that only ACCOUNTS transactions can be viewed.


 SQL> exec set_vpd_context.set_accountant; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select * from session_context; NAMESPACE       ATTRIBUTE       VALUE --------------- --------------- --------------- VPD_TEST        APP_ROLE        accountant SQL> select * from transactions; TRNDATE   CREDIT_VAL  DEBIT_VAL TRN_TYPE   COST_CENTE --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 15-OCT-03          0      230.2 INV        ACCOUNTS 15-OCT-03      15.24          0 INT        ACCOUNTS

Again success, only ACCOUNTS transactions can be viewed. This is correct behaviour for our applications security rules. Next set the application role to manager and check that all of the transactions can be viewed.


 SQL> exec set_vpd_context.set_manager; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select * from session_context; NAMESPACE       ATTRIBUTE       VALUE --------------- --------------- --------------- VPD_TEST        APP_ROLE        manager SQL> select * from transactions; TRNDATE   CREDIT_VAL  DEBIT_VAL TRN_TYPE   COST_CENTE --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 15-OCT-03      100.1          0 PAY        CASH 15-OCT-03      50.23          0 PAY        CASH 15-OCT-03          0      230.2 INV        ACCOUNTS 15-OCT-03      15.24          0 INT        ACCOUNTS SQL>

The last results show that all transactions can be seen, which is again the correct behaviour. Many more tests could be performed to show how row level security works but we do not have space to be exhaustive here. I want to show just two more tests with our simple application. The first demonstrates inserting a new record and the behaviour of one of the dbms_rls.add_policy parameters. Because we set the same policy function for all access methods the same visibility rules apply. If we set the context to accountant and then try and insert a CASH transaction it should fail. Let's try:


 SQL> exec set_vpd_context.set_accountant; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select *  from session_context; NAMESPACE       ATTRIBUTE       VALUE --------------- --------------- --------------- VPD_TEST        APP_ROLE        accountant SQL> insert into transactions(trndate,credit_val,debit_val,trn_type,cost_center)   2  values (to_date('15-OCT-2003','DD-MON-YYYY'),120.0,0.0,'PAY','CASH'); insert into transactions(trndate,credit_val,debit_val,trn_type,cost_center)             * ERROR at line 1: ORA-28115: policy with check option violation

This is the correct behaviour as access for an accountant should be restricted to only inserting ACCOUNTS transactions. Let's try:


 SQL> insert into transactions(trndate,credit_val,debit_val,trn_type,cost_center)   2  values (to_date('15-OCT-2003','DD-MON-YYYY'),120.0,0.0,'INV','ACCOUNTS'); 1 row created. SQL>

Success! The behaviour for inserts and updates can be modified when specifying the policy functions to the kernel. The parameter update_check is defaulted to FALSE but if it is set to TRUE as we did when adding the policy function, no data can be inserted or updated that should not be viewable. If we change this parameter back to its FALSE setting and try inserting the transaction above again it should not fail!


 SQL>  begin   2    dbms_rls.drop_policy(   3     object_schema => 'VPD',   4     object_name => 'TRANSACTIONS',   5     policy_name => 'VPD_TEST_POLICY');   6  end;   7  / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> begin   2      dbms_rls.add_policy(   3              object_schema => 'VPD',   4              object_name => 'TRANSACTIONS',   5              policy_name => 'VPD_TEST_POLICY',   6              function_schema => 'VPD',   7              policy_function => 'VPD_POLICY.VPD_PREDICATE',   8              statement_types => 'select, insert, update, delete',   9              update_check => FALSE, -- set back to FALSE  10              enable => TRUE,  11              static_policy => FALSE);  12 end;  13 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> insert into transactions (trndate,credit_val,debit_val,trn_type,cost_center)   2 values (to_date('15-OCT-2003','DD-MON-YYYY'),120.0,0.0,'PAY','CASH'); 1 row created. SQL>

This parameter allows a slight circumvention of the policy rules defined! Beware of this parameter and set it cautiously or at least understand its behaviour.

One last demonstration in this test section:


 SQL> connect system/manager@zulia as sysdba Connected. SQL> select * from vpd.transactions; TRNDATE   CREDIT_VAL  DEBIT_VAL TRN_TYPE   COST_CENTE --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 15-OCT-03      100.1          0 PAY        CASH 15-OCT-03      50.23          0 PAY        CASH 15-OCT-03          0      230.2 INV        ACCOUNTS 15-OCT-03      15.24          0 INT        ACCOUNTS 15-OCT-03        120          0 INV        ACCOUNTS 15-OCT-03        120          0 PAY        CASH 6 rows selected.

As you can see the SYS user or any user such as system connected as sysdba bypasses all row level security policies. Beware of access by any user as SYS or as sysdba if protection of data from all users is important.


Concluding part one

We've seen some of the advantages of Oracle's row level security, what it can be used for, and looked at a simple example of how it works. Next week in Part Two we'll conclude this short article series by testing the policies that have been setup, demonstrate a few of the data dictionary views that allow for management and monitoring, cover some other issues and features, and then see if the data can be viewed by hackers or malicious users through the use of trace files.




  • Oracle documentation - http://tahiti.oracle.com
  • Oracle 8i Virtual Private Databases - Tim Gorman - http://www.evdbt.com/VPD.pps
  • Practical Oracle 8i - Building efficient databases - Jonathan Lewis - Published by Addison Wesley
  • Oracle security handbook - Aaron Newman and Marlene Theriault - published by Oracle Press.
  • Oracle in a nutshell - A desktop Quick reference - Rick Greenwald and David C Kreines - Published by O'Reilly
  • Expert one-on-one - Thomas Kyte - Published by Wrox Press
  • Internet security with Oracle Row-Level security - Roby Sherman - http://www.interealm.com/roby/technotes/8i-rls.html


About the author

Pete Finnigan is the author of the book "Oracle security step-by-step - A survival guide to Oracle security" published in January 2003 by the SANS Institute (see http://store.sans.org). Pete Finnigan is the founder and CTO of PeteFinnigan.com Limited (http://www.petefinnigan.com) a UK based company that specialises in auditing the security of client's Oracle databases world-wide and provides consultancy in all areas of Oracle security design, configuration and development.

View more articles by Pete Finnigan on SecurityFocus.

This article originally appeared on SecurityFocus.com -- reproduction in whole or in part is not allowed without expressed written consent.

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