Auto upgrade feature is available in Enterprise Edition only, it's not available in Small Business Edition.
The AutoUpgrade process lets you automatically upgrade the Symantec Endpoint Protection client software for all the clients that are contained in a group
Upgrade existing SEP clients to latest version by using auto-upgrade method.
Logon to the Console --> Admin --> Install Package --> Upgrade clients with package

Auto upgrade wizard screen
Select required package which you would like to assign to groups, if you wish to apply both the packages you will have to follow
the same procedure.

Select Required Group/Groups. For example I have selcted Group-2 & Group-3

Select the source to provide upgrade package
First option is Download from the management server, it's useful if all the clients are residing on LAN segment.

Second option is usefult if you have multiple sites with multiple clients & as an administrator if you don't wish clients to come over WAN link to take upgrade package. It would increase/ choke up WAN link. To avoid this situation select second option.
How to upgrade a client from a non-manager server using the "Download the client package from the following URL (http or https)" option.
Forum Article also available for same

After finalising method of clients upgrade, you can schedule your client upgrade.

Click on notification tab, you have following options
1. Yo want to notify end user or not
2. Allow user to postpone the upgrade process or not

After setting upgrade schedule with required setting, click on next
Upgrade wizard completion screen will come up.

Go to clients tab, select group where package is assigned, we can see pacakge is successfully added.

It is also applied successfully to Group-3

If you are not configuring schedule, clients will start auto upgrade on their next heart beat interval.
This process takes some time to upgrade all the clients depending upon number of clients in network.
Note : You must test the AutoUpgrade process before you attempt to upgrade a large number of clients in your production network. If you do not have a test network, you can create a test group. You can add a few non-critical clients to the test group and upgrade them by using AutoUpgrade. You can confirm the upgrade completed successfully by verifying the version number of the client software that appears in the About dialog box.
It's always recommended to have Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager and SEP clients on the same version.
Public Kb:
Upgrading clients by using AutoUpgrade
About SBE
Your Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition clients will upgrade automatically once the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager has been upgraded. No further action is required on your part to complete the upgrade process
If you would like to manually upgrade the clients to the latest version please see:
How to deploy a Symantec Endpoint Protection Client from the Symantec Protection Center (SPC) Console
However, To disable the auto-upgrade feature for clients
- Login to the Symantec Protection Center Console.
- Select the Computers page.
- Under My Company select the group that includes the clients you would like to prevent from using the auto-upgrade feature.
- Under Tasks select Edit the group properties.
- Click the checkbox for Disable Automatic Client Package Updates.
- Click OK.
Reference: http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH97535
It's always recommended to have Symantec Protection Center and SEP clients on the same version.
You can download this information in PPSX format also.