The Symantec Endpoint Recovery Tool is an image that you can burn on a disc, which you can use to scan and remove malware from client computers. You use this tool for the computers that are too infected for Symantec Endpoint Protection to clean effectively. Please note: This video is best viewed in full screen by selecting the square icon in the lower right corner of the video player.
Is it possible for SERT to just log the virus instead of removing them? What I've read from the help file is that it will remove high risk files automatically but I just want to log them.
Is an MD5 available for SERT 2.0.24? Thank you in advance...
You are still a little lame in your deployment. First off I should be able to put it on a USB Stick, and it should load networking and download the Virus definition files. PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND AVG CD and copy it.
This way it will always have the latest definitions.
Thanks in advance.
Never mind... use all 9's - it works!
It worked!!! Thanks!!!
I can't believe I downloaded a 500MB file and burned it to a disk and wasted all that time to find out that it asks for a non-existent PIN and it won't work. Now I have to download it all over again and burn another CD and then roll the dice again and hope that it will work. I was hoping someone would have put a PIN on here we could use. Oh well...
On a date of April 30th, 2012 or later, the Symantec Endpoint Recovery Tool (SERT) prompts the user for a PIN.
No serial number, license number, or PIN exists for this tool. The scan will not run without a PIN.
The error reads: "Not a valid Product Key. Try again."
The expiry is by design.
Temporary Solution
For a PIN number put all 9s (9999999...9) untill full and click "I Agree"
Instead of burning the ISO to a CD and manually inserting, try deliverying the ISO via Intel vPro Technology using Symantec Management Platform. See optimized demonstration on this can be done -
Unfortunately, the current version (2.0.24) that does not ask for a PIN is not compatible with grub4dos.
As many support professionals, I have a bootable USB stick that contains several bootables ISOs that I can choose with a grub4dos menu.
Among these ISOs, SERT.
SERT ISO version 1.0.17 used worked fine with grub4dos; it still works if you hack the date in the BIOS, which is inconvenient.
Sert ISO version 2.0.24 fails with the following:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Norton Bootable Recovery Tool failed to launch. Required file -------- -------- not found. Program will exit. [ERR-0001] -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't think it is linked to the fact that 2.0.24 uses the new Windows 7 PE (opposed to: the Vista-based PE used in 1.0.17); I have some other ISOs using the new Windows 7 PE that work just fine with grub4dos (example: Paragon 2011).
Can we please have a SERT ISO that works good with grub4dos the same way 1.0.17 used too? Soon I"m going to need a sherpa to carry my box of bootable CDs, can't we move to the 21st century and have multiple ISOs boot from a USB stick, please?
I have the Small Business Edition of SEP (v12.0) and the Reovery tool doesn't show on the list of downloads. Is the SERT not available for this product?
You should have updated the , i have been waiting for the new version and was subscribe to the supportarticle.
The issue with the Symantec Endpoint Recovery Tool asking for a PIN has been resolved. The new tool no longer requires a PIN.
The tool is available via Fileconnect, as seen in the video.
Hi there is a work around documented here
In short quoted from the KB
"Until then, users who wish to use the SERT tool can set their computer's BIOS to April 29th 2011 or earlier. Once the date is set the SERT tool will no longer prompt for a PIN."
Hope this helps.
How do I get a PIN Serial Number ? I don't know , please publish a document How do I get?
ROFL what a clasic FAIL. Thanks for the response Rzworld.
Please check this KB article :
Hi another great Video.
I have downloaded the sert iso (version 1.0.17) and have run it up in a virtual machine I have got to the licence screen and it is asking PIN. No where in the video or in the documentation here
does it mention entering a PIN can some please advise what I need to do to get a PIN?
the non-business version of SERT is
Norton Power Eraser
hi there,
i work in one company as technical support,here our server and users machines are infected with virus.In folder sub folders are created and that subfolder is a virus,i want to remove that virus from there machinesand for that i have scan the machine in safemode but it doesnt work yet.plz suggest me what to do now.
This tool is great. I had a cyberdefender program on my employees' laptops, but somehow one of them still managed to get a virus (probably because someone changed the settings or downloaded a non authorized program). It is not only easy to obtain the tool, but also to use it. Luckily, everything was able to recovered - and recovered quickly.
Thanks Symantec!
Great tool!
Does symantec offer boot-time scanning on computers encrypted with Guardian Edge (now Symantec Endpoint Encryption)?
If not, will it ever?
It is very inconvenient to have to boot into a malware infected system, decrypt (for hours), then use this tool to clean it, and then have to re-encrypt it.
I am hoping that because Symantec now has obtained some decent encrption companies, they will allow a way to securely scan encrypted drives (especially with their own encryption software)
I am having a hard time finding in depth documentaiton on SERT, SEP Support Tool, nor SEP Power Eraser. The original page for the latter two seem to now redirect to a KB article with less information than the original page. And SERT doesn't appear in any of the bundled documentation for SEP.
What's the difference(s) between SERT and the Support Tool? When do you use one over the other? Does Symantec plan to merge the two utilities together at some point?
Thanks for the clarificaiton.
It is towards the bottom
When I log into to fileconnect I do not see the SERT tool, has it been removed?
Does it work on machines encrypted with Safeboot, for instance?
The video shows how to get it from fileconnect.