Data Center Security

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  • 1.  Announcing the Data Center Security- Server & Server Advanced products

    Posted Mar 03, 2014 03:50 PM

    Today Symantec released its new Symantec Data Center Security: Server & Server Advanced products, introducing agentless threat protections and automated policy orchestration for VMware data centers, along with the re-branded next-generation Critical System Protection technologies to secure physical and  virtual servers.

    Symantec Data Center Security: Server v6.0 (DCS: Server)
    Optimizes the deployment of threat protection services by providing agentless anti-virus for virtualized servers. By leveraging VMware Endpoint Service and VMWare NSX platform extensibility with Service Composer integration, Symantec supports the automated provisioning of its security virtual appliances (SVA) and orchestration of policy to protect virtual machines without in-guest agents. Click here for more info!

    Symantec Data Center Security: Server Advanced v6.0 (DCS: Server Advanced)
    Extends the Data Center Security: Server solution beyond agentless threat protections by incorporating technologies previous known as Critical System Protection. Data Center Security: Server Advanced provides granular, policy-based controls with a low impact in-guest agent to monitor and protect numerous physical and virtual server environments. Through a combination of technologies including application-centric controls including protected white listing, sandboxing using least privilege access controls, host-based intrusion detection (HIDS) and prevention (HIPS), and real-time file integrity monitoring (FIM), organizations can proactively safeguard their heterogeneous server environments and the information they contain from zero-day and targeted attacks, and fulfill their compliance mandates across critical systems. Click here for more info

  • 2.  RE: Announcing the Data Center Security- Server & Server Advanced products

    Posted Aug 29, 2014 01:57 PM

    When do you think that there will be some traning avalaible for this product.   I dont see anything avalable.


  • 3.  RE: Announcing the Data Center Security- Server & Server Advanced products

    Posted Sep 12, 2014 03:30 AM

    Security is an important issue in Data Center Maintenance. Good to know that Symantec has released two new data center security products. Features of both the products are really good and impressive. It will be good if you provide training for these two products.