Hi all,
Reading up on constrained package servers and found this article from last year:
https://knowledge.broadcom.com/external/article?legacyId=tech252734It says that constrained package servers without an explicitly designated unconstrained package server source will wait four hours before contacting the NS directly to acquire a package it could not otherwise receive.
Previously, package replication happened via CEM using a SWD policy which would toggle the
Force CEM Gateway registry entry for a few hours each night, but that key has not worked since upgrading to 8.5 RU3, and I've not been able to find an alternative measure.
Is there a way to extend this timeout, or better still, a way to prevent it entirely? (Short of disabling the Altiris Agent!)
We have some quite isolated satellite sites in need of careful bandwidth management and standard constraint functionality - which was already problematic, since uPS assigned to constrained sites would sometimes serve requests from clients at the constrained site and create exactly the bandwidth problems we sought to avoid - is no longer fit for purpose.
Any advice would be appreciated.