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PGP universal and Command line delete MAK

  • 1.  PGP universal and Command line delete MAK

    Posted Nov 23, 2013 09:23 PM

    I am facing a problem i just cant figure out how to fix


    using PGP command line to connect to PGP KMS

    PGP --delete-mak I am able to delete a users private key.

    After that it looks like its gone.

    If we search in the web admin of of PGP universal th eky is gone.

    Now if we run an LDAP query we see the pub key still exists.

    if I do LDAP search I see the key.

    if I do --search-mak the key isnt there

    I have tried to using an LDAP tool to delete the keys but without any knowledge of how to authenticate against the PGPU ldap server the keys do not get deleted.

    They are also not visible in VD.

    Help, what can I do to detele these keys? cmd line? LDAP? SSH in into the server?

    What can we do... Please