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  • 1.  Service Desk Incident TAGS

    Posted Nov 07, 2013 12:11 PM


    We are in the process of installing Altiris Servide Desk 7.5 MP1 in our environemnt.


    I noticed that you can add TAGS to article and documentation within your knowledge base that helps in the search process.


    I need to apply the same process to my closed incidents.


    Can i add TAGS to the incidents so my IT team can use these TAGS to search for similar resolved errors and issues etc..???


    I need to oblige the IT Helpdesk to add TAGS that describe the Incident he is resolving so that can help for future reference.


    Is there a way to do that? or is there any other way that can help me search closed issues/incident based on problem,error number, software etc..



  • 2.  RE: Service Desk Incident TAGS

    Posted Nov 08, 2013 08:59 AM

    Out of the box, there is no support for tags on incidents (or problems or changes for that matter), but you could add this sort of functionality. You would need to create a custom workflow project that wrote the tag data to a new SQL table and have your incident sent to this custom workflow during a ruleset, probably the 'on incident resolved' ruleset. I do something similar for tracking the source of incidents (phone call, email, face-to-face, etc.).

  • 3.  RE: Service Desk Incident TAGS

    Posted Nov 08, 2013 11:12 AM


    Thank you for your valuable info.

    Is this type of customization working for you ?


    is there a way for you to share with emmore technical details on how can i create this function?


    I am not a Altiris expert and the Symantec consultant is not helping me creating thsi process.


    Appreceate any help from your side.

  • 4.  RE: Service Desk Incident TAGS

    Posted Nov 11, 2013 08:56 AM

    You'll have to have basic knowledge of workflow and SQL in order to accomplish this, but by following along with Jason's video on creating the "send incident to workflow" ( and jvenuto's write-up on data profiles to read the data back on reports (, you should be able to come up with something that works for you.

    Basically, you'll want to create a workflow that assigns tags to the incident, then send the incident to this workflow (either through a rule or through a "process type actions" link) so that tags can be written to the database.

    Once that's done, a data profile can be created to allow you to read back that data and put it on the process view page or use it in a custom report.