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 Error writing inventory results: < The system cannot find the path specified. >

Alexander Cherbunin's profile image
Alexander Cherbunin posted Aug 23, 2021 09:11 AM
Good day!
Faced a very strange error.
When running the inventory task, an error occurs when working with the local queue directory. The agent does not seem to find the directory.

<event date = 'Aug 23 12:43:49' severity = '1' hostName = 'D1701' source = 'CompressFile' module = 'AeXNetComms.dll' process = 'AeXNSAgent.exe' pid = '656' thread = ' 3384 'tickCount =' 1658261316 '>
<! [CDATA [Error while compressing file: C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Queue\NSE-15F.tmp: Cannot create temp file: The system cannot find the path specified. (-2147024893)]]>
<event date = 'Aug 23 12:43:49' severity = '2' hostName = 'D1701' source = 'AeXNetworkTransport' module = 'AeXNetComms.dll' process = 'AeXNSAgent.exe' pid = '656' thread = ' 3384 'tickCount =' 1658261316 '>
<! [CDATA [PostFile to 'http://server/altiris/NS/Agent/PostEvent.aspx? Priority = 0 & source = 506B3997-8A32-416F-885B-C7F62154E2A0' failed: Compression failed: The system cannot find the path specified. (-2147024893)]]>
<event date = 'Aug 23 12:43:49' severity = '2' hostName = 'D1701' source = 'CoNetworkTransport (349)' module = 'AeXNetComms.dll' process = 'AeXNSAgent.exe' pid = '656' thread = '3384' tickCount = '1658261316'>
<! [CDATA [Compression failed: The system cannot find the path specified. (-2147024893)]]>

Need advice - where to look? The directory exists.
Igor Perevozchikov's profile image
Broadcom Employee Igor Perevozchikov

Hi Alexander!

What version of Symantec Management Agent is there running?

Suspect that 'AeXNSAgent.exe' process is running under user which doesn't have write access to "C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Queue" folder therefore Agent can't create temp file there. Try to add write access to "Queue" folder for this user account on this computer and restart Symantec Management Agent service. But actually I know that "AeXNSAgent.exe" process should run under "Local System" account.


Sergei Zjaikin's profile image
Broadcom Employee Sergei Zjaikin
It seems that you Windows temp directory could be full or does not exist. Agent is creating temporary files in Windows temporary folder while compressing file C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Queue\NSE-15F.tmp.
Look into c:\windows\temp and see if the there are a lot of TMP files with names like UDDFDFB.tmp, there could be only 65535 of them.

Alexander Cherbunin's profile image
Alexander Cherbunin
Colleagues, good afternoon! Thank you very much for the various solutions to the problem. I'll try to apply it. SMP version 7.1. Windows version - 7 SP1.
Alexander Cherbunin's profile image
Alexander Cherbunin
Good day!
Continuing the topic - on the server side, the following problems are observed regarding the problem computer (log):

<event date="Aug 27 03:32:38 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.TaskManagement.ClientTask.BaseClientTask.CheckIsTaskComplete" module="AtrsHost.exe" process="AtrsHost" pid="1856" thread="68" tickCount="1526587579"><![CDATA[BaseClientTask.CheckIsTaskComplete(): Task "INVENTORY" (26.08.2021 14:11:31) - 0 / 1 child instances done. Timeout at 29.08.2021 23:11:31. Will complete at 28.08.2021 20:11:31 if 95% of child instances are complete.]]></event>
<event date="Aug 27 03:32:38 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.TaskManagement.ServerTasks.ServerTaskExecutionInstance.Sleep" module="AtrsHost.exe" process="AtrsHost" pid="1856" thread="14" tickCount="1526587579"><![CDATA[Task instance Быстрый запуск: DESKTOP (26.08.2021 14:11:31) is being put to sleep until 27.08.2021 6:37:38. Instance GUID: b17a0002-bca8-4573-b1cd-74d47e7c2af9]]></event>
<event date="Aug 27 03:35:42 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.NS.StandardItems.Collection.DeltaCollectionUpdateSchedule" module="AeXSVC.exe" process="AeXSvc" pid="1484" thread="313" tickCount="1526771910"><![CDATA[Delta collection update: 2 resource(s) have changed since last delta collection update schedule run. Updating 188 of 593 collections.]]></event>
<event date="Aug 27 03:35:50 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.Reporting.DataSource.RawSqlDataSource.Run" module="AeXSVC.exe" process="AeXSvc" pid="1484" thread="313" tickCount="1526779273"><![CDATA[RawSqlDataSource is running query:

SET @xml = (SELECT CAST (State AS XML) FROM Item WHERE Guid = 'C98D8BBB-70B9-4C39-BA55-110B2D07CBD6')
SET @version = (SELECT Table1.column1.value ('.', 'NVARCHAR (MAX)')
FROM @xml.nodes ('item/version') AS Table1(column1))

SELECT DISTINCT vc.[Guid] FROM vRM_Computer_Item vc

--Altiris Client agent is installed?

JOIN dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Client_Agent ca2
ON ca2._ResourceGuid = vc.Guid
AND ca2.[Agent Name] = 'Altiris Agent'
AND ca2.[Product Version] >= SUBSTRING (@version,0,LEN (@version) - CHARINDEX ('.',REVERSE (@version)) + 1)

--Altiris IS Client agent is installed.

JOIN dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Client_Agent ca1
ON (ca1.[Agent Class Guid] = '39AD3F30-1B4C-4EF9-A2CB-454A082EF905' OR
ca1.[Agent Class Guid] = 'A057B5D3-51BF-471f-A6A7-8852284C4F1A' OR
ca1.[Agent Class Guid] = '777FF471-1FCA-4de7-8B2E-718CEF1A3570' OR
ca1.[Agent Class Guid] = '88E6ADE3-76E6-415b-9D5E-E05BCCFA7BFA' OR
ca1.[Agent Class Guid] = 'CD05396B-DBA5-496f-9721-0DCA2F65FE2A')
AND ca1._ResourceGuid = vc.Guid
AND ca1.[Product Version] >= SUBSTRING ('7.1.2013.0',0,LEN ('7.1.2013.0') - CHARINDEX ('.',REVERSE ('7.1.2013.0')) + 1)

JOIN Inv_AeX_AC_Identification ac
ON vc.Guid = ac._ResourceGuid
AND vc.[IsManaged] = 1

--Altiris IP4S Agent installed degraded version.

JOIN dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Client_Agent ca
ON (ca.[Agent Class Guid] = 'C4697151-58CD-4E43-9B3B-AF706A25EB89' OR
ca.[Agent Class Guid] = 'E15906B9-516F-4A55-B486-E02CCCC0CBD9' OR
ca.[Agent Class Guid] = 'CB5FD7A5-502B-4C3B-A812-70DDAB483F63' OR
ca.[Agent Class Guid] = 'CD46D8B5-7D40-47F9-A3DB-C84B3B81DB29' OR
ca.[Agent Class Guid] = 'AEC9DD3F-76C8-4273-BB88-55CD231EA1E8')

AND ca._ResourceGuid = vc.Guid
AND ca.[Product Version] < SUBSTRING ('7.1.2007.0',0,LEN ('7.1.2007.0') - CHARINDEX ('.',REVERSE('7.1.2007.0')) + 1)

<event date="Aug 27 03:35:50 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.Reporting.DataSource.RawSqlDataSource.Run" module="AeXSVC.exe" process="AeXSvc" pid="1484" thread="313" tickCount="1526779289"><![CDATA[RawSqlDataSource returned 0 rows in 'Table' table]]></event>
<event date="Aug 27 03:35:50 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.NS.StandardItems.Collection.NSDataSrcBasedResourceCollection.FullUpdatePostDataSrcProcessing" module="AeXSVC.exe" process="AeXSvc" pid="1484" thread="313" tickCount="1526779289"><![CDATA[Updating collection membership for collection '6434cd55-ba9f-4e9b-af3f-4edbfecaf624' with 0 members.]]></event>
<event date="Aug 27 03:35:52 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.Reporting.DataSource.RawSqlDataSource.Run" module="AeXSVC.exe" process="AeXSvc" pid="1484" thread="313" tickCount="1526782206"><![CDATA[RawSqlDataSource is running query:

SET @xml = (SELECT CAST (State AS XML) FROM Item WHERE Guid = 'C98D8BBB-70B9-4C39-BA55-110B2D07CBD6')
SET @version = (SELECT Table1.column1.value ('.', 'NVARCHAR (MAX)')
FROM @xml.nodes ('item/version') AS Table1(column1))

select distinct id._ResourceGuid
from Inv_AeX_AC_Identification id JOIN Inv_AeX_AC_Client_Agent agent
ON agent._ResourceGuid = id._ResourceGuid AND (id.[System Type]='Unix' OR id.[System Type]='Mac')
AND agent.Ident = 'INVENTORY' AND agent.[Product Version] LIKE '7.%.%' AND agent.[Product Version] < SUBSTRING ('7.1.2013.0',0,LEN ('7.1.2013.0') - CHARINDEX ('.',REVERSE ('7.1.2013.0')) + 1)
JOIN vComputerResource vcr
ON vcr.Guid = id._ResourceGuid AND vcr.IsManaged = 1
JOIN Inv_AeX_AC_Client_Agent includeNsAgent
ON includeNsAgent._ResourceGuid = vcr.Guid AND includeNsAgent.[Agent Name] = 'Altiris Agent'
AND includeNsAgent.[Product Version] >= SUBSTRING (@version,0,LEN (@version) - CHARINDEX ('.',REVERSE (@version)) + 1)

<event date="Aug 27 03:35:52 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.Reporting.DataSource.RawSqlDataSource.Run" module="AeXSVC.exe" process="AeXSvc" pid="1484" thread="313" tickCount="1526782206"><![CDATA[RawSqlDataSource returned 0 rows in 'Table' table]]></event>
<event date="Aug 27 03:35:52 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.NS.StandardItems.Collection.NSDataSrcBasedResourceCollection.FullUpdatePostDataSrcProcessing" module="AeXSVC.exe" process="AeXSvc" pid="1484" thread="313" tickCount="1526782206"><![CDATA[Updating collection membership for collection 'e50b60e7-a0a7-4e49-b338-b83896d6bb32' with 0 members.]]></event>
<event date="Aug 27 03:35:57 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.NS.StandardItems.Collection.PolicyChangeCollectionUpdateSchedule.OnSchedule_Impl" module="AeXSVC.exe" process="AeXSvc" pid="1484" thread="308" tickCount="1526786449"><![CDATA[Policy Update Schedule was last run on 27.08.2021 6:30:57]]></event>
<event date="Aug 27 03:35:57 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.NS.StandardItems.Collection.PolicyChangeCollectionUpdateSchedule" module="AeXSVC.exe" process="AeXSvc" pid="1484" thread="308" tickCount="1526786511"><![CDATA[Collection update: No policies changed since last collection update. Not updating collections.]]></event>
<event date="Aug 27 03:36:01 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.NS.StandardItems.Targeting.ResourceTargetDeltaUpdateSchedule.OnSchedule" module="AeXSVC.exe" process="AeXSvc" pid="1484" thread="313" tickCount="1526791098"><![CDATA[Resource Target Delta Update: 0 target(s) have changed.]]></event>
<event date="Aug 27 03:37:38 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.TaskManagement.ClientTask.*" module="AtrsHost.exe" process="AtrsHost" pid="1856" thread="29" tickCount="1526887694"><![CDATA[TaskExecutionEngine.ProcessPendingRequestList(): Queueing 1 items.]]></event>
<event date="Aug 27 03:37:38 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.TaskManagement.ClientTask.*" module="AtrsHost.exe" process="AtrsHost" pid="1856" thread="51" tickCount="1526887694"><![CDATA[Resuming task instance INVENTORY (26.08.2021 14:11:31)(b17a0002-bca8-4573-b1cd-74d47e7c2af9)]]></event>
<event date="Aug 27 03:37:38 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.TaskManagement.ClientTask.BaseClientTask.CheckIsTaskComplete" module="AtrsHost.exe" process="AtrsHost" pid="1856" thread="51" tickCount="1526887725"><![CDATA[BaseClientTask.CheckIsTaskComplete(): Task "INVENTORY" (26.08.2021 14:11:31) - 0 / 1 child instances done. Timeout at 29.08.2021 23:11:31. Will complete at 28.08.2021 20:11:31 if 95% of child instances are complete.]]></event>
<event date="Aug 27 03:37:38 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.TaskManagement.ServerTasks.ServerTaskExecutionInstance.Sleep" module="AtrsHost.exe" process="AtrsHost" pid="1856" thread="53" tickCount="1526887741"><![CDATA[Task instance Быстрый запуск: DESKTOP (26.08.2021 14:11:31) is being put to sleep until 27.08.2021 6:42:38. Instance GUID: b17a0002-bca8-4573-b1cd-74d47e7c2af9]]></event>
<event date="Aug 27 03:40:42 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.NS.StandardItems.Collection.PolicyChangeCollectionUpdateSchedule.OnSchedule_Impl" module="AeXSVC.exe" process="AeXSvc" pid="1484" thread="308" tickCount="1527071884"><![CDATA[Policy Update Schedule was last run on 27.08.2021 6:35:57]]></event>
<event date="Aug 27 03:40:42 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.NS.StandardItems.Collection.PolicyChangeCollectionUpdateSchedule" module="AeXSVC.exe" process="AeXSvc" pid="1484" thread="308" tickCount="1527071884"><![CDATA[Collection update: No policies changed since last collection update. Not updating collections.]]></event>
<event date="Aug 27 03:40:42 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.NS.StandardItems.Collection.DeltaCollectionUpdateSchedule" module="AeXSVC.exe" process="AeXSvc" pid="1484" thread="313" tickCount="1527071931"><![CDATA[Delta collection update: 2 resource(s) have changed since last delta collection update schedule run. Updating 188 of 593 collections.]]></event>
<event date="Aug 27 03:40:50 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.Reporting.DataSource.RawSqlDataSource.Run" module="AeXSVC.exe" process="AeXSvc" pid="1484" thread="313" tickCount="1527080027"><![CDATA[RawSqlDataSource is running query:

SET @xml = (SELECT CAST (State AS XML) FROM Item WHERE Guid = 'C98D8BBB-70B9-4C39-BA55-110B2D07CBD6')
SET @version = (SELECT Table1.column1.value ('.', 'NVARCHAR (MAX)')
FROM @xml.nodes ('item/version') AS Table1(column1))

SELECT DISTINCT vc.[Guid] FROM vRM_Computer_Item vc

--Altiris Client agent is installed?

JOIN dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Client_Agent ca2
ON ca2._ResourceGuid = vc.Guid
AND ca2.[Agent Name] = 'Altiris Agent'
AND ca2.[Product Version] >= SUBSTRING (@version,0,LEN (@version) - CHARINDEX ('.',REVERSE (@version)) + 1)

--Altiris IS Client agent is installed.

JOIN dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Client_Agent ca1
ON (ca1.[Agent Class Guid] = '39AD3F30-1B4C-4EF9-A2CB-454A082EF905' OR
ca1.[Agent Class Guid] = 'A057B5D3-51BF-471f-A6A7-8852284C4F1A' OR
ca1.[Agent Class Guid] = '777FF471-1FCA-4de7-8B2E-718CEF1A3570' OR
ca1.[Agent Class Guid] = '88E6ADE3-76E6-415b-9D5E-E05BCCFA7BFA' OR
ca1.[Agent Class Guid] = 'CD05396B-DBA5-496f-9721-0DCA2F65FE2A')
AND ca1._ResourceGuid = vc.Guid
AND ca1.[Product Version] >= SUBSTRING ('7.1.2013.0',0,LEN ('7.1.2013.0') - CHARINDEX ('.',REVERSE ('7.1.2013.0')) + 1)

JOIN Inv_AeX_AC_Identification ac
ON vc.Guid = ac._ResourceGuid
AND vc.[IsManaged] = 1

--Altiris IP4S Agent installed degraded version.

JOIN dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Client_Agent ca
ON (ca.[Agent Class Guid] = 'C4697151-58CD-4E43-9B3B-AF706A25EB89' OR
ca.[Agent Class Guid] = 'E15906B9-516F-4A55-B486-E02CCCC0CBD9' OR
ca.[Agent Class Guid] = 'CB5FD7A5-502B-4C3B-A812-70DDAB483F63' OR
ca.[Agent Class Guid] = 'CD46D8B5-7D40-47F9-A3DB-C84B3B81DB29' OR
ca.[Agent Class Guid] = 'AEC9DD3F-76C8-4273-BB88-55CD231EA1E8')

AND ca._ResourceGuid = vc.Guid
AND ca.[Product Version] < SUBSTRING ('7.1.2007.0',0,LEN ('7.1.2007.0') - CHARINDEX ('.',REVERSE('7.1.2007.0')) + 1)

<event date="Aug 27 03:40:50 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.Reporting.DataSource.RawSqlDataSource.Run" module="AeXSVC.exe" process="AeXSvc" pid="1484" thread="313" tickCount="1527080027"><![CDATA[RawSqlDataSource returned 0 rows in 'Table' table]]></event>
<event date="Aug 27 03:40:50 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.NS.StandardItems.Collection.NSDataSrcBasedResourceCollection.FullUpdatePostDataSrcProcessing" module="AeXSVC.exe" process="AeXSvc" pid="1484" thread="313" tickCount="1527080027"><![CDATA[Updating collection membership for collection '6434cd55-ba9f-4e9b-af3f-4edbfecaf624' with 0 members.]]></event>
<event date="Aug 27 03:40:53 +00:00" severity="4" hostName="SERVER" source="Altiris.Reporting.DataSource.RawSqlDataSource.Run" module="AeXSVC.exe" process="AeXSvc" pid="1484" thread="313" tickCount="1527082960"><![CDATA[RawSqlDataSource is running query:

SET @xml = (SELECT CAST (State AS XML) FROM Item WHERE Guid = 'C98D8BBB-70B9-4C39-BA55-110B2D07CBD6')
SET @version = (SELECT Table1.column1.value ('.', 'NVARCHAR (MAX)')
FROM @xml.nodes ('item/version') AS Table1(column1))

select distinct id._ResourceGuid
from Inv_AeX_AC_Identification id JOIN Inv_AeX_AC_Client_Agent agent
ON agent._ResourceGuid = id._ResourceGuid AND (id.[System Type]='Unix' OR id.[System Type]='Mac')
AND agent.Ident = 'INVENTORY' AND agent.[Product Version] LIKE '7.%.%' AND agent.[Product Version] < SUBSTRING ('7.1.2013.0',0,LEN ('7.1.2013.0') - CHARINDEX ('.',REVERSE ('7.1.2013.0')) + 1)
JOIN vComputerResource vcr
ON vcr.Guid = id._ResourceGuid AND vcr.IsManaged = 1
JOIN Inv_AeX_AC_Client_Agent includeNsAgent
ON includeNsAgent._ResourceGuid = vcr.Guid AND includeNsAgent.[Agent Name] = 'Altiris Agent'
AND includeNsAgent.[Product Version] >= SUBSTRING (@version,0,LEN (@version) - CHARINDEX ('.',REVERSE (@version)) + 1)


In other words, the task of collecting inventory on the client is not performed.
Has anyone come across this, colleagues?
Alexander Cherbunin's profile image
Alexander Cherbunin
Good day!
Colleagues, tell me, please, how the use of Temp for the agent is configured? How can I check which directory is used for temporary files?

P.S. SMP 7.x.
Sergei Zjaikin's profile image
Broadcom Employee Sergei Zjaikin
Agent uses path configured in the targeted agent settings when it creates temporary scripts, see screenshot below.
For other files the standard %TEMP% folder is used configured for SYSTEM account in the system, usually c:\windows\temp
Also %TEMP% configured for an user account can be used in some cases.
Agent could create sub-folders in %TEMP% as well, their names all looks like AeX_<guid>

Alexander Cherbunin's profile image
Alexander Cherbunin
Good day!
Thank you very much for the information.
That is, in other words, the Altiris Agent uses the% TEMP% value from the system variables.
Tell me, what else can be if a similar compression error occurs (path not found)?
It seems like TEMP is configured, there are enough privileges ..
Sergei Zjaikin's profile image
Broadcom Employee Sergei Zjaikin
The fastest way to find the root cause is to use Process Monitor procmon.exe utility from MS.
- Start monitoring
- Reproduce the error
- Stop monitoring 
- Save procmon trace file and send it to us

Alexander Cherbunin's profile image
Alexander Cherbunin
Colleagues, good day!
Thank you very much for the recommendations.
We tried to solve it by reinstalling the agent (with a full cleanup) - it didn't help either.
Can you please tell me - if I use RAAD (Remote Symantec Management Agent Diagnostics) - can it help me diagnose the problem?
Sergei Zjaikin's profile image
Broadcom Employee Sergei Zjaikin
RAAD will not help here. Please collect procmon traces and send the trace file to me, hopefully I will be able to help you.