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Felicity Vaughan's profile image
Felicity Vaughan posted Apr 24, 2023 10:36 AM

Can anyone tell me where to find a list of the fields on the ENCOPTBL table with the blurb about what each field means.  I need this for 18.1 and I can't find it anywhere.  All I can find is a description of how to set things you may want to do.  I just want the entire table (for the 18.1) release as a table with each field, so that I can see what is on the table.

joe.ploeger's profile image

I think this is a common complaint when they merged all manuals into a single manual. I understand why they did it, but makes things harder to find instead of having separate manuals like in the past.  Your best bet for all in one, is to go to the CSIQSRC member and read the comments for each option in the ENCOPTBL member itself. As for the manual, do a search on each option individually, ex PKG_ELEMENT_LOCK.

Russ Gunter's profile image
Russ Gunter

Hello Felicity, I was thinking the older doc had better information about the ENCOPTBL as well but I, just for the heck of it, kept the complete set R7 PDF's and the documentation is not very detailed about any of the tables.  Basically, the only thing in the guide was the new functions added in R7.
Agree with everyone the documentation could be better. At one time it was possible download a section. I thought it was corrected previously but not now.  I, when the change was first made in 18.0, voiced my concerns, but the week he retired, Peter Mcclough called my personal cell and talked about why it is the way it is now. I, with Joe, understand why it's formatted the way it is but it doesn't make things easier to find. I have suggested reintroducing an INDEX at the end of the manual. IBM still has them. Why not Broadcom? 
By the way when using the PDF search i suggest using the Advanced Search (SHIFT+CNTL+F). The search engine is better and you get a complete list of what is in the guide you can look through. that looks like this.
A much better way to do the search.