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Now Available: CSE on Linux

  • 1.  Now Available: CSE on Linux

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jun 22, 2023 02:46 PM
    Edited by Kim Peelman Nov 09, 2023 12:00 PM

    I am pleased to announce that the Gen Client Server Encyclopedia on Linux is now available.

    The Gen encyclopedia is a central repository of objects that allows multiple users to work on several development projects at the same time. The Client Server Encyclopedia (CSE) provides distributed or downsized support for an encyclopedia functionality. It is now available for Linux platforms, in addition to Windows and Unix.

    If you are licensed for the Gen CSE on another platform, you will automatically have access to CSE on Linux at no additional cost.


    Did you know? This enhancement originated from this Community Idea submission. Submit your enhancement ideas and vote for ideas that impact you. You can shape the roadmap for Gen!


    Note: Gen has moved to a continuous delivery model. To learn more about Broadcom's approach to continuous delivery and maintenance best practices, read HERE. 

    Kim Peelman
    Product Owner, Gen
    Plano, TX

  • 2.  RE: Now Available: CSE on Linux

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jun 22, 2023 02:47 PM


    • Will I need to change my Broadcom contract to use my CSE on Linux?

      • If you already have a CSE (Gen Encyclopedia Server Option) , you won't need to change your contract. You will automatically have access to CSE on Linux, even if you currently have your  CSE on Windows or Unix. 

    • What versions of Linux will be supported?

      • This new installation will be certified on Red Hat Enterprise Linux v8.x and v9.x. Here is the list of Gen's supported third-party software, for more details. 

      • This will not support z/OS Linux. Submit a Community Idea if CSE on z/OS Linux is something you need. 

    Kim Peelman
    Product Owner, Gen
    Plano, TX

  • 3.  RE: Now Available: CSE on Linux

    Posted Aug 04, 2023 03:57 PM

    Can the CSE on Linux be set up on  a Linux VM ?  and does the CSE database need to reside on the same Linux server the CSE software is installed.   I am currently conducting research to move our Unix CSE  to Linux and I know it was a recommendation for the Unix platform to keep the CSE database on the same Unix Server the CSE software was installed.   Thank you.

  • 4.  RE: Now Available: CSE on Linux

    Posted Aug 06, 2023 06:09 PM

    Lauren, the General Comments ( ) state a policy on Virtualization which basically states it's supported, but if any quirks come up, you may have to work with the vendor if Broadcom can't reproduce it without virtualization.

    I can't speak for Broadcom on recommendations, and I don't see any immediately in their documentation.  But I would expect it should be reasonable from a performance standpoint to have separate installs, unless the VMs are located in different data centres and physical distance plays a role.  The CSE can be chatty with a database given it's nature, so I would follow any best practice recommendations by both the DB and VM vendors.

    Every environment is different though, so your best bet is to measure and compare and talk to any in-house experts you may have.

  • 5.  RE: Now Available: CSE on Linux

    Posted Aug 06, 2023 06:36 PM
    Hi Lauren

    The reason for that recommendation is that the CSE server-side software is *extremely* chatty - that is - very high quantities of I/O calls to the underlying database. By ensuring the CSE software and the database reside on the same server (physical or virtual), you avoid introducing network latency into the CSE operations.

    Tim Dargavel, Facet

  • 6.  RE: Now Available: CSE on Linux

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Aug 06, 2023 08:19 PM

    Hi Lauren,
    In addition to Dan's and Tim's comments, the advice against using a remote database for the CSE is somewhat hidden away in the Gen 8.6 documentation under Client Server Encyclopedia Administration.
    After "Optimize Disk Usage" there is this note which should probably be under a different heading:
    While it is possible to configure the CSE environment such that the database is on a different physical machine, it is not a recommended configuration for performance reasons. The architecture of the normal execution of the CSE process is such that there are many individual messages that are passed between the CSE process and the database process. This leads to performance issues because any network latency between the two machines is multiplied by the number of requests made. If the current configuration is necessary, then care must be taken to ensure that the communications infrastructure between the two machines is as quick as possible."

    Having said that, with improved modern-day network bandwidths using a remote database may still give good/adequate performance, especially if the database is residing on a VM that is particularly tuned for good Oracle performance and that cannot be achieved on the VM where the CSE software is installed. Due to environment specific conditions, testing both local and remote database options per Dan's advice would be the way to go.



    Lynn Williams
    Senior Principal Support Engineer
    Broadcom Software

  • 7.  RE: Now Available: CSE on Linux

    Posted Aug 07, 2023 03:08 AM

    Hi Lauren

    The answer to your question is definitely YES (to both the "VM" and the "Oracle on separate machines" questions) , but it is qualified by the number of developers using the CSE and the hardware architecture in place for this environment. I performed Alpha and Beta testing of the Linux CSE on a Redhat 8.3 VM (running on a local physical Windows server using Hyper-V for the VM) for IET.  Oracle 19C was installed on the same Linux VM for our tests. The tests were effectively on a single CSE user basis! The roll-out for a bigger site depends on the aspects mentioned by Lynn concerning network speeds and machine resources.  Some of our customers use CSEs with remote Oracle databases, but have had to ensure that they have the "best" network hardware in place to ensure optimal performance.

    I hope this helps.


  • 8.  RE: Now Available: CSE on Linux

    Posted Jun 22, 2023 07:16 PM

    Excellent news!

  • 9.  RE: Now Available: CSE on Linux

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Sep 08, 2023 06:55 PM

    There is now a "HUB" where you can find all the knowledge articles about CSE on Linux. Check it out:

    Kim Peelman
    Product Owner, Gen
    Plano, TX

  • 10.  RE: Now Available: CSE on Linux

    Posted Sep 19, 2023 04:08 AM

    I am pleased to announce that we will support Linux as a CSE server platform for the IET DevOps suite in Release 8.8.4 which will be available this week.

    Darius Panahy

  • 11.  RE: Now Available: CSE on Linux

    Posted Sep 19, 2023 11:56 AM

    It is high time for Broadcom to thoroughly consider incorporating PostgreSQL Database as a core database for Gen Encyclopedia.
    Gen currently caters to Linux and Red Hat with JBoss as the application server.
    Therefore, integrating this new functionality will enable organizations and businesses to venture into novel domains of open-source tools that are seamlessly integrated with Gen.

  • 12.  RE: Now Available: CSE on Linux

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Nov 09, 2023 12:05 PM
    Edited by Kim Peelman Nov 09, 2023 12:07 PM

    We have a new training course available in your Learning@Broadcom account. 

    • Migrating to the Gen CSE on Linux
    • Search for 06GEN10200
    • 30 minutes long

    You can see a complete list of Gen's web-based training in the course catalog HERE

    Kim Peelman
    Product Owner, Gen
    Plano, TX