NetMaster Customers,
We are excited to let you know that the NetMaster product team continues to make great progress on its forthcoming NetMaster Release 13.0! We are now looking for customers to do some pre-release validation testing. If you would like to give the NetMaster 13 install or upgrade a dry run in your test environment before we officially GA the release, we would love to have you partner with us! We have been working to improve our out-of-the-box experience and land more lightly on your resources.
We are integrating multiple of our NetMaster products into a consolidated install package as noted below:
Additional highlights and benefits of NetMaster Release 13:
- Simplified application of maintenance
- Efficient linking of NetMaster Regions
- Simplified architecture
- Simplified install and configuration
- Web UI enhancements
- API endpoint expansion
- Enhanced integration with Broadcom solutions
- Historical reporting through Broadcom's Observability Platform (not included in the pre-release validation)
Thank you in advance for your support.
The NetMaster Product Team