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Enhanced Performance History Reporting is Now Available in NetMaster

  • 1.  Enhanced Performance History Reporting is Now Available in NetMaster

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jan 04, 2024 09:37 AM

    To our valued NetMaster customers::

    The new Resource Sampling History (R), available on the HISTORY panel, provides you with an easier way to view and manage performance history for NetMaster resources. For monitored resources, network administrators can select by resource category, resource, and attribute, to display graphical hourly and daily data over a ten week period. The Resource Sampling History display also features an EXPORT option that sends data, in comma separated value (CSV) format to any printer defined in Print Services Manager (PSM). Viewing and assessing the data exports in regular intervals can help to provide your network administrators with a long term view of network trends. 

    The following screenshots illustrate how a user can drill down to view attribute reports for a monitored TCP/IP resource:

    1. The user selects the R option on the /HISTORY panel.

    2. The Resource Sampling History panel displays the categories of monitored resources:

    3. The user enters S next to the resource category for which they want to see the monitored resources. In this case, they select Stacks:

    4. The users enters S to see a detailed list of the monitored attributes for stack TCPxxxxxxC.

    5. The user enters S next to the the ipOutRequests attribute to view a Daily Summary Graph for that attribute, shown here:

    6. The user then enters next to an individual day to view an hourly summary for the attribute. In this case, the user selects Dec. 12th:

    For additional detail, refer to the Performance History topic.

    To enable the Resource Sampling History feature, apply PTF LU11230.

    Bryan Shuman
    Staff Technical Writer | Mainframe Division
    750 Holiday Dr. | Pittsburgh, PA 15220 |