Hello Datacom Community!
We are currently working on enhancements to the Datacom CICS Services Display Utility (DBUT)! This utility enables you to examine online information in your CICS region.
Recently delivered are some new features to provide support for extended screen monitors, those with 140 or more columns to improve navigation and ease of use.
- Point and Click from within the display screen and retrieving data from that new address (Partial forward scrolling)
- PF7 and PF8 have been implemented as page scrolling backward and page forward respectively
We need input into some additional ideas to perform toggling between previous screens. We are looking for volunteers to attend a 30-45 minute meeting to have a discussion and see a demo of potential solutions. Please email me at nakesha.newbury@broadcom.com.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Best Regards,
Nakesha Newbury
Datacom Product Manager