ESP Workload Automation

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Tuesday Tips: Report Types generated by iDash are limited to 512 Characters in the database column.

  • 1.  Tuesday Tips: Report Types generated by iDash are limited to 512 Characters in the database column.

    Posted Apr 21, 2015 09:47 AM

    Report Types generated by iDash are limited to 512 Characters in the database column.


    The total number of characters supported by iDash when trying to get a report is 512.


    Here are the areas where the limitation is present:
    - Job Status Reports: Job Name, Box Name, Machine, Exclusion
    - Job Run Reports: Job Name, Machine
    - CA 7 Job Run Reports: Job
    - Event Reports: Job
    - SLA Trend Reports: SLA
    - Autotrack Reports: Job


    For example, if you are trying to generate a Job Run Report using "Job Name Expression" make sure your expressions do not exceed 512 characters, otherwise you are not going to be able to see the Job Run Report saved once you re loging to iDash GUI.


    Instead of specifying full job names please use wild cards to minimize the number of characters used, like:


    This is applied to 11.3.6 and 11.4 iDash versions.