ESP Workload Automation

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Jan. 8th Office Hours CA Workload Automation CA 7 Edition Transcript

  • 1.  Jan. 8th Office Hours CA Workload Automation CA 7 Edition Transcript

    Posted Jan 08, 2015 11:47 AM
    Lenn Thompson - CA :We'll get started in just a moment. Thanks for joining us!



    Lenn Thompson - CA :Okay everyone, let's go ahead and get started.



    Lenn Thompson - CA :@Bryan or @KJ, do you have any questions for our team of CA 7 experts?



    Bryan Lehner :Is CA7 going to support passphrase in the future?



    KJ :@Lenn. No questions today. Joined just to what others might be asking this time.



    Bryan Lehner :JFM - is there anyone that is actually unsing JFM with webclient and having success?  When we try to run it, it comsumes extreme amounts of real storage and cpu.  running it is hurting our system as a whole after several days of bing up. 



    Mark Warren - CA :@KJ - Yes we have accepted an enhancement for the passphrase and will implement in the future.



    Lenn Thompson - CA :@KJ Great. Thanks for joining us!



    Bryan Lehner :@ Mark - thanks for the info on the passphrase.  I will pass that on to my management.  Do you have a timeframe for when this will be implemented?



    Mark Warren - CA :@Lenn - have you taken a look at r12 



    Mark Warren - CA :@Bryan - Have you had a chance to visit R12?



    Bryan Lehner :@Mark - not yet, but that is on my short list for projects to start on.  Is passphrase incorperated into R12?



    Roderick Woods - CA :@Byran  Yes we have a good number of client using JFM with the Web Client. We have seen storage creeps and high cpu issues with JFM in the past and they have been addressed via a combination of maint and the CEE options overrides.    First and foremost, make sure you have all JFM related maint applied.



    Mark Warren - CA :@Bryan - Yes it is on the roadmap for later this year. Also if you want to reach out to me just drop me a mail



    Bryan Lehner :@roderick - I have been working with support for some time, and all maintenance and cee options are set based on supports recomendations.  We just don't seem to be able to keep the started task  consuming extreme amounts of real storage and cpu.



    Bryan Lehner :@Mark - thanks again for the info. 



    Roderick Woods - CA :Do you currently have a support issue open? If not we need to get a new one open. I know within the last month or so SE has a test fix available that address the lastest storage/cpu issue.... I am now checking for fix number...



    Roderick Woods - CA :Sorry.. that was @Bryan



    Bryan Lehner :@Roderick - It was closed.  I will have to find it.  The test fix was created for the issue that I had open.  I have it applied, and it slowed the creep, but did not stop it.



    Bryan Lehner :@KJ - are you on R12 yet?



    KJ :@Bryan. No still on r11.3. Currently refreshing that level.  r12 likely later in the year.



    Roderick Woods - CA :@Bryan,   ok, if you are still see this issue, we need to look into this further. As I stated, I am aware of clients in the past having this type of problem, but as far I as I know most were addressed..  But I will talk to SE about this following this chat...  Also, please open a new support issue and you can reference ths closed issue.



    Bryan Lehner :@KJ - same here.  I don't have any experience with CA-DATACOM that is used for the database, so I was interested in others experiences.



    Bryan Lehner :@Roderick - ok, will do.



    KJ :@Bryan. Likewise I don't have any technical Datacom experience myself. We do run Datacom here though so sysprog and DBA expertise is available to me.



    Marysue - CA :@KJ - we have several clients running r12 now and many more testing it.



    KJ :@Marysue. Its just a case of prioritisation. We ill get to r12.



    Marysue - CA :@KJ and @Bryan - no show stoppers yet with any clients and r12.  As long as all install steps are run successfully there have been no datacom issues



    KJ :@Marysue. Good to know. Thanks.



    Bryan Lehner :@Marysue - is the datacom database created as part of the install process, or it a seperate install of that product?



    Marysue - CA :@Bryan - part of install jobs



    Bryan Lehner :@Marysue - good... that is what I was hoping to hear.



    Lenn Thompson - CA :Okay everyone -- if we don't have anymore questions, we can shut down the session a bit early. Let us know!



    Bryan Lehner :thank you



    Bryan Lehner :have a good day everyone.



    KJ :thanks all