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Feedback on changing InterTest Batch Keep and Display panels to be case-sensitive

  • 1.  Feedback on changing InterTest Batch Keep and Display panels to be case-sensitive

    Posted Jul 28, 2014 02:04 PM

    We have a customer requirement in our backlog that the CA InterTest Batch product support the ability to enter case sensitive data in the ISPF Keep and Display  debugging panels.  The current product behavior is that these panels are NOT case sensitive and any lower case alphabetic characters entered is  always translated to upper case.


    In order to address this requirement, we are considering modifying the Keep and Display panels in the 9.1 release to always be  case sensitive and no longer perform an uppercase translation for lower case alphabetic characters that are entered.  So if an application programmer needs to enter upper case data in a keep or display panel, they will need to make sure that they use the CAPS keys.    Also, this change would not only address a  requirement for one or more customers, but  would correct an existing  behavior difference between the Green Screen and Eclipse Interfaces as the Eclipse UI is case sensitive when changing program data.


    So I am asking for your  feedback as to whether you feel that making this type of unconditional change would be a hardship on your application programmers who use  the InterTest Batch ISPF  interface for debugging.