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 ISO List of Dispatch Culprit Definitions

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Nancy Campbell's profile image
Nancy Campbell posted Jan 25, 2022 12:29 PM
I am attempting to create a custom Culprit report for Dispatch. This article gave me what I needed to get started. However, I need to find a list with all of the defined values available for use. For example, if I'd like to report on the Output/IAFP values. I'm guessing the field would be something like RD-AFP-OUTPUT? Perhaps I would have to include an additional PATH, like RD-AFP? 

Scott London's profile image
Broadcom Employee Scott London Best Answer
Hello Nancy,

Regarding this post on the Dispatch Communities page...

In case you were not aware, Dispatch actually provides you with about 30 or so "canned" Culprit reports!

If you don't already have a set of Dispatch documentation, you are going to want to access the legacy bookshelf at the following link, and download a set.

The CA Dispatch documentation

- After downloading the Dispatch Reference Guide, take a look at "Appendix C: Printing Database Information Using CA Culprit"

- Regarding the example you mentioned, and reporting on the Output/IAFP values at the bottom of the report recipients VRDMU130 screen, take a look at the canned "AFP Distribution File Listing" control statements, which you will find in the Dispatch installed "hlq...CADSOPTN" library, in member=DSCULP12. In here, you will see that the value coded in the VRDMU130 screens Output/IAFP field is located in Record Name= RD-SYSOUT ; Field Name= RD-SYSOUT-OUTPUT-NAME. And you will want to note the values in the PATH statement here as well.

- If you are going to be creating your own custom Culprit reports for Dispatch, an essential tool for you (And I think the appropriate response to the question you posed here) will be the Dispatch "DATABASE RECORD LAYOUT" listing. To produce this listing, execute the DSEXRPTS job (proc=CADSRPTS) located in the Dispatch installed "hlq...CADSJCL" library, and review the output. It will show you ALL of the Dispatch database record and field names.

I hope you find the above information useful. I suspect that you will! And thank you for your Community post :-)

Scott London
ca/Broadcom Dispatch Support
Nancy Campbell's profile image
Nancy Campbell
Thank you, Scott. Your answer was exactly what I needed. Away I go!