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 Image List cell operations

Jan van Nimwegen's profile image
Jan van Nimwegen posted Mar 23, 2022 02:22 PM
When using a standard image list in Aion, is it possible to set the color or fonts for individual rows (items) or columns? I have an image list with two columns and I would want to change the color of the text in the second row, second column.
Abhijeet Chavan's profile image
Broadcom Employee Abhijeet Chavan
Hi Jan,

It is not possible to set the color or fonts for individual rows (items) or columns in Aion ImageList. But it is possible to display small images in front of individual subitems in the ImageList. To set the images for subitems, please see the “imagelist” example provided by Aion (Please see the example screenshot).

C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\AionBRE\examples\imagelist
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In case of more queries, you can also raise an Aion case on the Broadcom Support page 
