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CA Endevor SCM V18 - Incremental Releases and GA-Complete Delivery

By Ekaterina Tumanova posted Jul 05, 2017 01:23 PM


On behalf of the CA Endevor SCM product team, we would like to update you on our CA Endevor SCM delivery plans and remind you of our delivery process.

We develop CA Endevor SCM according to our newly implemented agile process to deliver the latest features to you as quickly as possible. Instead of bringing new functionality only in GA-complete releases each year or two, we are producing incremental releases much more often. So far, we have delivered ten increments for CA Endevor SCM V18. We are striving to make new features available for you to use immediately after they are developed and properly tested. We reprioritize our work and adjust our plans frequently to make sure we are moving in the right direction and bringing value to our customers. That is why we do not limit the number of incremental releases for each version of a product.

At this time, the CA Endevor SCM engineers are refactoring portions of underlying components of the product. These changes will make CA Endevor SCM even more reliable and secure, as well as ease subsequent additions of new product features. Another goal of the team is to deliver a set of new features that we believe will enhance your DevOps experience on the mainframe. We are convinced that it’s very important for all this work be included in the V18 GA-Complete release. Therefore, we are now targeting CA Endevor SCM V18 GA Complete to be available in the mid-2018 timeframe.