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  • 1.  SEP 12.1.5: what's up with this goofy console timeout setting?

    Posted Nov 12, 2014 03:14 PM

    Just wondering why the Site Properties screen in SEPM, where you can set the console timeout option, has a choice of Never and yet if you pick it and click Ok you get an error saying ist must be changed.  That seems rather goofy to me.  Was Never a previous option that got removed in 12.1.5 and they left it unchanged so admins can gracefully adjust? 

  • 2.  RE: SEP 12.1.5: what's up with this goofy console timeout setting?
    Best Answer

    Posted Nov 12, 2014 03:15 PM

    Because you upgraded from a previous version. This timeout setting has been changed in 12.1.5 so that you can never select "Never" again. It's a security feature update.

    Per the what's new article:

    "You can no longer set the console timeout to Never. For security reasons, the maximum timeout period is one hour."

    What's new in Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.5

  • 3.  RE: SEP 12.1.5: what's up with this goofy console timeout setting?

    Posted Nov 13, 2014 04:57 PM

    Yes of course it's a security feature :) I just found it odd that it doesn't enforce that feature until you actually enter that screen.  I upgraded and stayed at Never for over a month and the console stayed logged in that long as well.  It's nice of the Symantec guys to allow the graceful transition I suppose. 

  • 4.  RE: SEP 12.1.5: what's up with this goofy console timeout setting?

    Posted Nov 14, 2014 09:14 AM

    It's not a security feature for me - it's a hinderence in my work, especially since the upgrade caused so bloody many issues, including defs that won't update on the SEPM.

    Don't protect me from me - I do know what I'm doing most of the time and tend to run a tight ship with things locked down, but to force me to log in all over again when I rely on the console to MONITOR things during certain situations here, you've just slowed me down in my work so I have to explain why things take longer and it's such a hassle to use the console now.

    I'm hoping some clever person out there finds a HACK and sends it to me so I can DISABLE that 1 hour timeout junk. Sorry, protect those who need protecting - or let them sink if they simply don't know better, but let the pros decide for themselves, eh?

    Any hackers out there willing to break the max time-out featuer so I can let it remain open for my OBSERVATION and troubleshooting for more than an hour? I mean really, 1 hour, seriously, when I rely on the logs and alerts scrolling by for our own purposes here?

    If you hack that setting and can force the console to stay open, please contact me...........  ;-) otherwise I may have to device a script that runs every few minutes to trick the console into believing I'm actively clicking on it.

    How about taking care of important issues and fixes. I know better than to leave a console open on an unlocked computer in an open office. Thanks.