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Identifying and Resolving Shared Guids on Unix, Linux and Mac Resources 

May 02, 2014 05:26 PM

Merging is based on resource key names and values. Unix, Linux and Mac (ULM) systems that have even a single matching resource key name and value combination will merge. Typical causes are:

  • Common mac addresses from virtualization software or other predefined NICS
  • Stale DNS caches
  • Common ‘uniqueid’ resource key values, which are based solely on mac address values on Mac clients.


To find common resource keyname and keyvalue values:

  1. On clients, run “aex-helper info resource”
  2. Compare the keyname and keyvalues between machines. Any two computers with a matching key/value pair will merge. We can exclude the key or the value, per the following kb articles.


Resolving Shared Guids (Assigning a unique guid to each machine)

Do the following two steps, in order, to prevent and cleanup merged ULM resources:

  1. Configure the NS or the agent on the client computers to not process specific resource keys and/or values by applying the resolutions in either or both of the following two KB articles:  
  2. Assign new, unique resource guids to the affected client computers per the instructions in the following KB article:

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