Toronto Data Loss Prevention User Group

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  • 1.  Modification of pop-up / Alerting messaging

    Posted Jun 27, 2019 09:33 AM

    Has anyone had any success in modifying the alerting message being presented to end users when the policy calls for this as part of the response rule?


    There are two aspects with this request...

    1. Support for bilingual messages (in my case I need French and English) but I can see this being needed with other languages such as Spanish and English
    2. Messaging on the pop-up must comply with our internal Branding and communication policies which the default does not.


    Without this functionality, we cannot proceed in the next step of the strategy of communicating to our constituents that they are about to exfiltrate information that has been deemed not to exit the organization.   Executives have mandated that this must come first before we start actually blocking.


    My thoughts are this should be a simple XML file in which the content can be modified to present our specific messages.  Am I wrong?



  • 2.  RE: Modification of pop-up / Alerting messaging

    Posted Jun 27, 2019 10:42 AM

    Hi Neil,

    In response to the first requirement, when you create a response rule you can set the language for windows pop-up (title and button name), the message text (message and options) should be writing one by one in English and French.

  • 3.  RE: Modification of pop-up / Alerting messaging

    Trusted Advisor
    Posted Jun 27, 2019 01:32 PM

    Ronald is correct.. the pop-up an be in different languages. You will configure this in the response rule. Then languge that is shown to the user is based on the lagubage setting of the OS. The agent knos what localized OS is being used and will display that languge.

    As far as the Branding issue goes.. what needs to be shanged? The pop-up is a Windows pop-up, so thee is not a lot of baranding that can be done. 

    Maybe you banding people need to be a bit more leaniant. 


    Good Luck



  • 4.  RE: Modification of pop-up / Alerting messaging

    Posted Jun 27, 2019 02:11 PM

    Where is it you can modify the text (content) that is presented for either language?  The default text does not work within our Organization.  It is within the section that can or should be able to modify where Internal Branding can be applied.  Asking them to be lenient is a non-starter.... We have regulatory requirements that Branding enforces.


  • 5.  RE: Modification of pop-up / Alerting messaging

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jun 28, 2019 09:23 AM

    Hello Neil,


    I'm not sure if this is your need but check this examble of Notify Popup I made...


    The popup will be based on the OS language.

    Is that what you need? If not, could you send us a similar print showing where are the changes you wanna make?

