In March there was this forum announcement that MP4 had been released. Because there were security vulnerabilities announced for all previous versions, I downloaded the new version as soon as it was available on FileConnect, and just completed the upgrade. The version of that download was 12.1.6860.6400.

On April 12th, there were indications of a newer version of MP4 being released because there was a post to the announcement above asking about the versions. On April 19th, the Symantec employee author of the original announcement wondered where 6860 came from, and hasn't been heard from since.
Last week I received a notification from the "Released Versions" TechNote that there was an update. When I went to the page, it said that the version number of MP4 is now 12.1.6867.6400, but no mention of what changed, other than the version number was different from what I downloaded from FileConnect.
I have a few questions.
- Has anybody been able to find out why the version numbers changed?
- Was there another security vulnerability?
- Did the other security vulnerabilities not get fixed?
- Do I need to do another upgrade?
- Do I need to wait because one of the versions of MP4 breaks Windows 10? I don't know which version of MP4 breaks Windows 10, because the forum post doesn't specify which version of MP4. This probably doesn't apply to me because we're not rolling out that version of Windows 10 anyway, but it would be nice to know.