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Community View: Maria Hackmann-Peters, Featured User (May 15)

By Chris_Stallone posted May 20, 2015 11:41 AM


Once a month we'll shine our virtual spotlight on one of the CA Endevor community's members. It's just a fun, easy way for us to get to know one another a little bit beyond our work-related interactions here on the site. This month, we're featuring Maria Hackmann-Peters, (maria.hackmann-peters).

Location:  profile-image-display.jpg

Düsseldorf, Germany


Current Gig: 

Endevor Administrator


One word that describes how you work: 

With enthusiasm and passion 


How do you use CA Communities and any suggestions for others? 

The weekly digest is one of the most important features for me: it keeps me informed about what’s going on.


Mac or PC? 



Mobile Device?



Apps/software/tools you can’t live without?

None – some of them can make things easier and more convenient but none of them is essential for me.


Besides your phone and computer, what's your favorite item?

I love arts, especially glass arts: looking to pieces done by great artists as well as and doing my own art works.

And I like Geocaching: being outside in nature and searching for some “hidden pieces” ;-)


What’s your daily work space like?

Some people would call it messily – but they just didn’t get the system in it.


How do you balance life/work?

I like to work intensively on what I’m doing. In business work as well as in my spare time.

And one day per week is exclusively reserved for “my workshop” and my art work.


Best advice you can give and you have received?

“schlaf eine Nacht drüber” – meaning: tomorrow you may be able to see it from a different perspective


What everyday thing are you better at than anyone else?

Know that something is going wrong before it becomes visible.

