Service Virtualization

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Webcast Recap: CA Service Virtualization & CA Test Data Manager Integration 

Jan 18, 2017 01:46 PM

Thank you to everyone who joined this webcast on January 18, 2017 which featured an demo/presentation on the integration between CA Test Data Manager 4.0 and DevTest 10.0. A big thanks to Dan Mazzei for presenting this topic to the community!


Below are all the relevant webcast materials:

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3 Files
pdf file
Using TDM 4.0 with DevTest 10.0.pdf   522 KB   1 version
Uploaded - May 29, 2019
zip file   3 KB   1 version
Uploaded - May 29, 2019
pdf file
DevTest Webcast Q&A Transcript (TDM & Devtest Integration....pdf   136 KB   1 version
Uploaded - May 29, 2019

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Feb 22, 2017 01:06 PM

Best Practices

  • Creating Virtual Services
    • In DevTest, you can create a virtual service using multiple methods (e.g., via recording and RR pair). However, TDM is not dependent on the method that you used to create the virtual service. TDM can update it with generated RR pairs regardless of the method that you used to create the service.
  • Performing Multiple Operations
    • (For WSDL) You can use one file object to create and register derived objects only for one operation at a time. To use the same file object for multiple operations, register that file object separately for each operation and create and register derived objects.
  • Identifying Derived Objects
    • If you use the same database as a target connection profile to derive objects for the different file objects, it becomes difficult to identify which derived objects belong to which file object. In this case, you can uniquely identify derived objects based on the schema name.
  • Adding Unique Values to Primary Keys
    • Every derived object includes a column that is named Shred_ID, which must include a unique value. TDM recognizes this ID as an identity of a derived object. Instead of manually adding a unique value to this primary key column, use the Make All Parents Default option in the CA TDM Portal to automatically add this value during data generation.
  • Using Correct RR Pair Naming Convention
    • Ensure that the RR pair files that you use for uploading the data into a virtual service follow the correct naming convention (e.g., TDMFile_1655-Req.xml and TDMFile_1655-Rsp.xml).
  • Using the Same Connection Profile and Schema Name
    • Do not change the connection profile and schema names that you used at the time of creating and registering derived objects.

Jan 18, 2017 04:43 PM

You can find the example Medicare files attached.


The Shredder RR pairs are for creating the Virtual Service. The WSDL is for the TDM Object. The RR pairs are for TDM import data. And here’s the formulas for the Data Painter:


ZIP: @randlov(0,@seedlist(US Zip Codes)@,1)@
SUPPID: @randlov(0,@seedlist(Car Parts)@)@
COMPANY: @randlov(0,@seedlist(Companies)@)@ INC
ADDR: @randlov(0,@seedlist(US Address Line 1)@,1)@
CITY: @randlov(0,@seedlist(US City State Zip County)@,1)@
STATE: @randlov(0,@seedlist(US City State Zip County)@,2)@
TEL: (@randrange(110,999)@)@randrange(110,199)@-@randrange(1110,1999)@
DESC: @randrange(2300,9800)@
ISSUPP: 0@randrange(02,09)@

Jan 18, 2017 03:33 PM

Since TDM applies the data generated to the LIVE VS, you need to download the MAR file to get the generated data.
1. In Portal, Select the “Action” drop-down next to the sunning service and select “Download MAR”

2. The MAR file (Model Archive) is really a .zip file, so you can rename it and open it. You’ll see a Project directory structure, the same as is LISAHOME/Projects.

3. Extract the MAR (now .zip) file to a folder.
4. Now open Workstation UI, and open the “Project” MAR file you just extracted.

5. Then select the VSI. You will see the TDM generated data in the response!

Hope that helps clarify!

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