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Tech Tip: UIM - How to configure cdm to ignore specific filesystems, filesystem types or devices 

Mar 13, 2017 04:39 PM

Document ID:  TEC1818164
Last Modified Date:  03/18/2019 
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Customers often find it useful to be able to ignore specific filesystems, filesystem types, devices/drives in the cdm probe when setting up their disk/filesystem monitoring configuration in cdm.

- UIM 8.31 or higher - cdm v5.80 or higher

There are settings which govern the matching of devices and mount points/filesystems which can be changed via Raw Configure:


a) ignore_device = <to ignore devices>
Defines the devices to be excluded from monitoring.


b) ignore_filesystem = <to ignore mount-points/filesystems>
Defines the file system to be excluded from monitoring. For example, specify the regular expression C:\\ to exclude the C drive of the system from monitoring.


You can use the following regexes to ignore multiple filesystems/drives, in this case for C, D or E: drives:








But, note that you MUST do the following for the GUI to refresh the true Status of the filesystem/drive when you configure it to be ignored


- Click Ok, then Yes to restart the probe

- Then double-click the cdm probe to reopen it and you will see which filesystems/drives are ignored.

It is not enough to simply click Apply and then Update Status - the GUI has to be closed then reopened.


The ignored filesystems/drives will then display a red "x" on the filesystem/drive icon.



Using Raw Configure to edit these settings:


The raw configuration interface allows you to edit the configuration file or edit the data file.


For example, the following keys can be configured from Raw Configuration:


ignore_device: ignores specified disks from monitoring. Navigate to the <disk> section and edit this key. For example, the following key values will ignore all automounted disks that are recognized on each “disk interval”.


   ignore_device = /autofsmount.*|.*:\/.*/


   ignore_device = /^(\/proc|[A-Za-z0-9\-]+\:\/.*)/


ignore_filesystem: ignores specified file systems from monitoring. Navigate to the <file> section and edit this key:


   ignore_filesystem = /<regular expression>/


The value must be a regular expression that matches all disks or file systems or both.


The cdm IM GUI uses the mount entries as in /proc/mounts file in Linux to display the file system type of devices that are remounted to a different location.


c) Lastly, you also have the option of using Filesystem TYPE filter.


Filesystem 'Type' Filter: specifies the 'type' of the filesystem to be monitored using regular expressions.


In cdm v5.30 or higher, we added the filesystem 'type' filter feature:
Added a Filesystem Type Filter field to specify a regular expression and automatically select matching file system(s) to be monitored.


- If you specify regex as *, then all filesystems are enabled for monitoring. Or you can also specify ext* to allow monitoring of filesystems with "ext". For example ext4 or ext5.


- If you specify a NEGATIVE regex, then specified filesystems are excluded from monitoring. For example, if you do not want to monitor ext4 filesystem, use /^(?!ext4)/


Use filesystem_type_regex to ignore specific filesystem types. Here is one of the out of the box examples from the cdm probe:


   filesystem_type_regex = /^(?!.*?(tmpfs|nfs|iso9660)).*/


Other examples for each parameter/option:


   ignore_filesystem = /regex for filesystems to ignore/




   This will ignore all filesystems under /mnt and /dev which are "special" in that they are either device nodes or temporary). Notice the forward slashes in the regex are 'escaped.'


If this field is left blank, no filesystems are enabled for monitoring. (default)


For filesystem:




You could use:


to ignore it.


This example below will ignore all filesystems under /var and /dev




If you are trying to 'MATCH...'




Then use the following:




Another example:




This will exclude:






to exclude all mounted filesystems under /media




to exclude all disk partitions for /dev/sda




to exclude all disk partitions for /dev or /mnt




to exclude all disks that are Mounted ISOs (/dev/loop#)




This will ignore all automounted disks that are recognized on each disk interval.

Here is an example of the options in the Infrastructure Manager (IM) GUI:


Here is an example from the Admin Console when using the UMP MCS feature:



Additional Information:

This new Article 'should' allow most customers to do this without any difficulty.

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Mar 14, 2017 01:09 PM

Good Article .Thanks 

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