Release Automation

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Release Automation KB: Which logs to be collected to enable support to give quick assistance? 

Jun 17, 2014 10:02 AM

We are always there to provide help and assistance to our customers that are experiencing issues using the product.  In order to help us identify, analyse the root cause and resolve the issue as quickly as possible there is key information we need to collect from you.  Attached is a document which lists the information we would like to get.  It would be very much appreciated if you could provide this information when you open a new case.


Recommendation: There are various logs been generated by our product each having rolling up index and file size. Beside all logs there are some important logs for which we recommed our customer to retain the large number of those file to protect overwriting of content


Note: - The value against each can be dependent on the disk space in an environment. Services restart is not required post these changes.

        - Number for MaxBackupIndex value should be set to a large number in case of large environments, especially for Management and Execution servers. In preferred scenario a trade-off can be done between file-size and MaxBackupIndex.

                      For example in large environments with around 100+ agents connecting to a single NES the MaxBackupIndex can be set to value of 200 or higher default file size of 5MB or it can be set to 100 with file size 10 MB.

        - We recommend to derive and evaluate most feasible numbers for file size and MaxBackupIndex to provide logs coverage of 24 hours duration.


ComponentFile LocationImportant Log FilesModification to increase log file number
Management Server\webapps\datamanagement\WEB-INF\<Install Directory>/logs/nolio_dm_all.log log4j.appender.RegularDM.MaxBackupIndex=30
Execution Server\webapps\execution\WEB-INF\
  • <Install Directory>/logs/nimi.log
  • <Install Directory>/logs/Nolio_exec_all.log
  • <Install Directory>logs/execution.log
  • log4j.appender.RegularExecution.MaxBackupIndex=20
  • log4j.appender.ExecutionFileAppender.MaxBackupIndex=20
  • log4j.appender.NimiFileAppender.MaxBackupIndex=30
  • <Install Directory>/logs/nimi.log
  • <Install Directory>/logs/nolio_all.log
  • <Install Directory>/logs/nolio_action_exe.log
  • log4j.appender.Regular.MaxBackupIndex=15
  • log4j.appender.NimiFileAppender.MaxBackupIndex=30
  • log4j.appender.ActionsAppender.MaxBackupIndex=15
Retrieval/Repository Agents **\conf\
  • <Install Directory>/logs/nimi.log
  • <Install Directory>/logs/nolio_all.log
  • <Install Directory>/logs/nolio_action_exe.log
  • log4j.appender.Regular.MaxBackupIndex=20
  • log4j.appender.NimiFileAppender.MaxBackupIndex=20
  • log4j.appender.ActionsAppender.MaxBackupIndex=30


    ** Retrieval or Repository agents: In product terminology retrieval or repository agents are referring to agents which are responsible for fulfilling request to downlaod and distribute artifacts to the requesting agents.


Which log files we need for detail investigation of cases are mentioned below


Note: - All the below information need to be collected when issue is seen most preferably prior to restart of NAC or any other services.

        - Collection and sharing of specific log file is quick and can help in many cases to trouble shoot issue, but in some cases we may need whole set of logs to root cause an issue. So as a best practice we recommend to collect all logs from specific component before it get overwritten.

        - We always recommend to collect logs via out of box product feature to collect logs. For quick recall collecting logs via ASAP: Go to Administration tab-> Agent management console ->rigth click on specific agent -> Collect logs. (feature of log collection is available to my best from

          4.1 version onward)Refer to KB on how to do it!

        In some cases where customer maintain large number of log retention we request them to manually collect the logs, as this utility will zip all logs folder irrespective of time-frame. In such scenario it can cause an overhead in collecting logs in GB's.


ComponentGood to have
Management ServerAll logs
Execution Server(If mulitiple Execution servers we need logs from all impacted)All logs
Agent (If multiple Agents we need logs from all impacted agents)All logs
UIAll logs



Additional Information : JMX


Beside logs sometimes we need additional infomration from JMX console of product. Please find details of where you can collect those information.


ComponentJMX Location (localhost need to be replaced with NAC/NES/NAG IP/Hostname)JMX Operations
Managment Serverhttp://localhost:20203/mbean?objectname=noliocenter%3Atype%3Dinfo

Execute below operation and capture the result of below operations

   a. requestStackTrace

  b. listActiveRuns

   c. memoryStatus

Execution Serverhttp://localhost:20203/mbean?objectname=com.nolio.nimi.jmx%3Aname%3DnimiJMX%2Ctype%3DNimiJMX

Execute below operation and capture the result of below operations

   a. memoryDump

   b. threadDump


Execute below operation and capture the result of below operations

   a. threadDump

   b. retrieveEnginesStatus

   c. memoryDump

Hibernate SQL Logginghttp://localhost:20203/mbean?objectname=Logging%3Atype%3DLog4j

Execute below operation to turn on/off hibernate SQL logging

   a. turnOnHibernateSQLLogging

   b. turnOffHibernateSQLLogging

HTTP Request Logginghttp://localhost:20203/mbean?objectname=Logging%3Atype%3DLog4j

Execute below operation to turn on/off hibernate SQL logging

   a. turnOnHttpRequestsLogging

   b. turnOffHttpRequestsLogging


See Also


Nolio Official KB: What log files are created and where can I find them?


Nolio Official KB: Where are the log files stored? What do they do?




  • Release Automation formerly known as Nolio
  • Management Server formerly known as Nolio Automation Center (NAC)
  • Execution Server formerly known as Nolio Execution Server (NES)
  • Agent/s formerly known as Nolio Agent (NAG)

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Aug 13, 2018 09:44 AM

Hi Praveen,


I see that you posted some information here about where some Automic Release Automation logs can be found. This page is for CA Release Automation. They're two separate products. Were you just trying to be helpful by providing this information or did you have a problem/question?


Kind regards


Aug 13, 2018 05:58 AM

Dear Saurabh,


Details below

AWI and ARA server:

o   AWI logs: C:\Automic\AWI\logs                                    --C:\Automic\12.1.1\Automation.Platform\WebInterface\logs

o   Agent logs: C:\Automic\Agents\windows\temp     -- C:\Automic\12.1.1\Automation.Platform\Agents\windows\Temp

o   ServiceManager logs: C:\Automic\ServiceManager\temp --C:\Automic\12.1.1\Automation.Platform\ServiceManager\Temp

-          AE server:

o   AE logs: C:\Automic \AutomationEngine\temp                  --  C:\Automic\12.1.1\Automation.Platform\AutomationEngine\Temp

o   Utility logs: C:\Automic\Utility\temp                                     -- C:\Automic\12.1.1\Automation.Platform\Utility\Temp

o   Analytics logs: C:\Automic\Analytics\backend\temp       -- C:\Automic\12.1.1\Automation.Platform\Analytics\backend\temp

o   Agent logs: C:\Automic\Agents\windows\temp           --      C:\Automic\12.1.1\Automation.Platform\Agents\windows\Temp

o   ServiceManager logs: C:\Automic\ServiceManager\temp  -     -C:\Automic\12.1.1\Automation.Platform\ServiceManager\Tem




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Oct 23, 2014 11:28 AM

Looks like there's already a KB addressing collecting logs with ASAP, so we could just link them together: Release Automation KB: Easy and Elegant way to collect logs via ASAP

Oct 17, 2014 07:02 AM

James thanks for comment, incorporating great suggestion of yours.

Oct 16, 2014 12:52 PM

Some other ideas -- (1) Might be worth noting versions this applies to (like, say, 4.x to 5.x or 4.x forward, etc.).  (2) Would be helpful to mention the ability to automatically collect logs through ASAP, though sometimes we'll need to the customer to collect them manually instead.

Aug 19, 2014 08:51 AM

Thanks for your feedback we together will create more value

Aug 18, 2014 05:16 PM

Thank you for writing this!  This is a fantastic and much-needed quick reference, and will make our job in Support easier now that we can refer customer's to this article when they need these details. Major time saver!

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