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Chat Transcript: Office Hours for CA Single Sign-On [DECEMBER 2016] 

Dec 29, 2016 12:00 PM

from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
Hi everyone!
from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
Welcome to Office Hours.
from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
I'm unable to load my slides for some reason today, so I apologize.
from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
Let's get started!
from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
If you have a question for the SSO product team, enter it here in the chat window. Product experts are standing by.
from Sam Dikeman to Everyone:
I'll start with an easy one. When I go to DocOps, I see documentation for CA Single Sign-On 12.7. Is that a real thing yet?
from Stephen McQuiggan (CA) to Everyone:
@sam - hmm thats odd can ytou paste the url. mine is 12.6.02 - on left side Version pull down avaiable 12.51 12.52 SP1 12.52 Sp2 and 12.6.01
from Sam Dikeman to Everyone:
from Stephen McQuiggan (CA) to Everyone:
are you part of validation program
from Sam Dikeman to Everyone:
I don't think so. I can get there right from the support home page.
from Stephen McQuiggan (CA) to Everyone:
looks like validation program - I needed to reauth to get it. Now I see more options in the pull down
from Sam Dikeman to Everyone:
I don't have 12.6.02. I only have 12.6.01 and then 12.7
from Stephen McQuiggan (CA) to Everyone:
from Stephen McQuiggan (CA) to Everyone:
12.51 12.52 SP1 12.52 Sp2 and 12.6.01 12.7 -
from Stephen McQuiggan (CA) to Everyone:
there is no link for 12.6.02
from Sam Dikeman to Everyone:
We are having premininary conversations about an upgrade. Our hand being somewhat forced by a RedHat upgrade. We have not really talked about what version to go to. I was just poking around.
from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
Hi Daniel! Welcome to Office Hours!
from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
Got a question for our SSO team?
from Daniel Cerman to Everyone:
Hi Kristen. I just came to listen in.
from Daniel Cerman to Everyone:
Is there audio?
from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
@Daniel - Ah - ok! Let us know if you think of a question!
from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
@Daniel - No, it's like a chat room. All conversation happens right here.
from Daniel Cerman to Everyone:
OK, sounds good.
from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
What do you guys think of the new Single Sign-On Community? We're hoping it will be easier to find SSO content now that it has it's own space.
from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
from Daniel Cerman to Everyone:
I haven't yet had a chance to check it out much, but it looks nice so far.
from Sam Dikeman to Everyone:
Actually Kristen I've been disappointed by the whole way that ideas are handled inside the communities. There does not appear to be any rhyme or reason as to which ideas are responded to, how quick any response comes from CA, or if an idea might see the light of day.
from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
@Daniel - Ok thanks! Feel free to let me know if you have any suggestions:
from Daniel Cerman to Everyone:
Splunk Enterprise 6.5.0 introduced support for SAML federation with SiteMinder. I am trying to get the partnership to work, but so far without success. Does CA have any tips, docs, or guidance on what is needed to make this work?
from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
@Sam - I know and appreciate the feedback Sam. We're working on that with Product Management. Our big focus for this year was Support and answering questions in the community quickly.
from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
Our focus for 2017 will be ideation and we already have some things in the works.
from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
I will share your comments with Product Management and will be working to make some big changes in 2017.
from Sam Dikeman to Everyone:
To be honest, I've heard that before. In fact, every time I complain about how enhancement requests are ignored...
from Sam Dikeman to Everyone:
Is the certification for SmWalker still on schedule for SM 12.6?
from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
@Sam - I know, I hear you. We are working on it and there are some changes happening internally that I'm certain will finally start showing some major improvements.
from Stephen McQuiggan (CA) to Everyone:
@sam - we have had changes in this area it's one of the difficult processes to handle. With the feed back we will look to improve . Right now if you look under content and ideas you can see the ideas and how many votes each one has. basically the higher vote count the more it gets looked at
from Daniel Cerman to Everyone:
from Daniel Cerman to Everyone:
(whoops, wrong window)
from Stephen McQuiggan (CA) to Everyone:
@sam - yes still on schedule for SmWalker, form the last cross functional meeting. I don't have the exact date but the report was still on time
from Sam Dikeman to Everyone:
@Steve - I get it. But when I submit a request that support tells me to do because they believe it is an important change and one that is necessary here, and it sits for 14 months (and counting), I don't have much faith.
from Stephen McQuiggan (CA) to Everyone:
right I do see that and hear it from others - they vote on it, then it takes a long time. We will let PM know your concerns.
from Sam Dikeman to Everyone:
So I know we talked around versions. Can someone give me the cliff notes deal on what is the latest GA version of siteminder and what version is coming next and an approximate timeframe?
from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
@Sam - These slides might help:
from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
Slide 8 outlines value delivered.
from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
The slides following go into federation, platform, management and performance enhancements.
from Stephen McQuiggan (CA) to Everyone:
@sam the lastest GA release is 12.6.01 (policy server was labeled 12.6, SPS 12.6.01)
from Stephen McQuiggan (CA) to Everyone:
the next release is in validation - currenly called 12.7, however that may not be the final release number
from Sam Dikeman to Everyone:
@Kristen, @Steve - Thanks. Have a great holiday.
from Stephen McQuiggan (CA) to Everyone:
@daniel - looking aruond for a run book for Splunk Enterprise 6.5.0 introduced support for SAML. may need to get back to you
from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
10 minutes left - get your final questions in now!
from Daniel Cerman to Everyone:
@Stephen No problem. I'm not sure whether this is the right forum in which to ask this sort of question. I am still studying Splunk's docs and trying to narrow down my questions. Since this is new, there probably isn't a runbook, but if CA has had any success with Splunk and SAML, please let me know. Thank you for looking.
from Stephen McQuiggan (CA) to Everyone:
@Daniel - you could open and issue as it may be a little complicated
from Daniel Cerman to Everyone:
@Stephen I will likely do that. Thanks.
from Kristen Palazzolo (CA) to Everyone:
Alright - that's all the time we have for today. Thanks for joining us today and have a Happy New Year!
from Daniel Cerman to Everyone:
@Kristen @Stephen Thank you. Happy New Year!

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