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CA APM Office Hours with Product Management Transcript - August 2015 

Aug 18, 2015 12:43 PM

The full transcript from APM Office Hours: A Live Online Chat with Product Management [August 2015] which took place on August 18, 2015.


Melanie Giuliani to Everyone: Hi everyone - welcome to CA APM Office Hours with Product Management! We'll be getting started in about 5 minutes.

Melanie Giuliani to Everyone: Alright, let's get started! Please start asking your product management related questions here in the chat box. Don't forget to @mention when replying!

Tom Nedbal to Everyone: How does TeamCenter work on an ipad and is there any other work being done for mobile devices?

Zohar Lahav to Everyone: is there a phone we can call?

Melanie Giuliani to Everyone: @zohar - this is a chat only session. you can ask your questions and our experts will respond here in the chat box

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: q1) devops tool chain: are there any integration between ca lisa load testing vs ca apm capabilities

Chaitan Shet to Everyone: @Zohar, this is a chat session only....

Zohar Lahav to Everyone: ok bye

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: q2) is there a Competitive analysis: ca apm 10 vs. Appdynamics vs. Dynatrace. how is the positioning of apm 10 against the the other leaders (according to gartner)

Chaitan Shet to Everyone: @Tom APM Team Center works well on Ipad...

Samuel Wai to Everyone: 1) CEM feature. We want the TESS UI to be multi-tenant, so that each application team can manage their own business transaction only. Current version of TESS UI, for example, if user A updated some setting and click sync, then other setting from other application team will be applied, which they don’t want.

2) TT has relatively high overhead for cross-JVM under auto-propagation.

Luke Lofgren to Everyone: I apologize if I've missed any annoucements to this effect, but is there a planned release where there will be an alternative to using SmartStor (e.g. use one of the newer and more broadly used RRD technologies)

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: q3) what is done on the CA APM infrastructure side with regards to for example HA and scalability

Nishant Kabra to Everyone: @Aaron - We will get back to you on the details and plans around the integration with APM and CA Lisa

norman to Everyone: hi, i am from ha of hong kong, we have 2 questions here, The first one is for the CEM, we want the TESS UI to be multi-tenant, so that each application team can manage their own business transaction only. Current version of TESS UI, for example, if user A updated some setting and click sync, then other setting from other application team will be applied, which they don’t want. Another example is the transaction trace setting, the duration and threshold are global to all application, not multi-tenant.

Chaitan Shet to Everyone: @Tom.....for the second part of your question on "mobile devices" let me get back to you with an answer...

norman to Everyone: The second one is for the Introscope TT, we would like know if there is any planning on reducing the overhead on TT Auto-Propagation in the coming 10.x version? Due to overhead, we set 5000 (default) for the transactiontrace.componentCountClamp and disabled the Auto-Propagation feature on our existing APM 9.1 environment. We are pleased to notice that the  overhead can be reduced by using 9.7+ agent (with smart instrumentation feature), however, most of our transactions are cross-JVM, it would be great if the overhead of auto-propagation can also be reduced.

Chaitan Shet to Everyone: @Tom....We are planning a mobile template in the future, just don’t know when at this point of time

Santhosh Shankar to Everyone: Is there crisp demo use case on BRTM + APM agent minus CEM that we can use to showcase time for app response vs time for network vs time for browser .. This is a quite basic user experience feature that we frequently encounter

Chaitan Shet to Everyone: @ Aaron to answer q2.....I would request you to join the session in about an hours time that gives a perspective of APM 10...the link to the invite would be shared by Melanie

Dwight Spence to Everyone: What version of TLS does APM 10 support?

Melanie Giuliani to Everyone: @Aaron - the link to that event is here: https://communities.ca.com/events/2156

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: q4) whats the current plan for PHP-Agent: new php versions (especialy for example 5.6 has lots of performance improvements), and php-cgi support

Nishant Kabra to Everyone: @Samuel - Good suggestion, please post this idea on our idea wall on the community site. That will help us get a discussion going on the idea and also help prioritize the idea

Reginald to Everyone: hello, in upcoming CA Wily versions - are there plans to be able to update agents via a GUI rather than physically updating the agent's properties or pbd files to turn on and off metrics?

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: @Melanie - is the presentation recorded, i have already an appointment and can’t make it

Nishant Kabra to Everyone: @Samuel, Can you provide us more details on the overhead issues with the cross JVM configuration. We arent aware of any overhead issues on our side and we have lot of customers using the cross jvm configuration

Melanie Giuliani to Everyone: @Aaron - yep! you can use the same link that is in the event to view the recording following the session

Samuel Wai to Everyone: @Nishant - Is the response on idea wall official?

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: q5) are there plans with regards to a JMX framework as a add-on to the java-agent (the current jmx setup with a single filter is painful) https://communities.ca.com/ideas/235713852

Nishant Kabra to Everyone: @Luke - We are continuously evaluating all different design options for all the APM components including smartstor but will share our plans as they become more concrete

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: q6) in the last release the domain.xml modification without restart was planned and then moved, can we expected it in the next release?

Nishant Kabra to Everyone: @Norman, These are great ideas and we would love to get some more details around the use cases, Please post these ideas on the community. https://communities.ca.com/community/ca-apm/content?filterID=contentstatus%5Bpublished%5D~objecttype~objecttype%5Bidea%5D

Chaitan Shet to Everyone: @ Aaron to answer q3. We have a plan for HA and scalability, but it’s a little too far out. Cannot get into specifics yet.

Melissa Potvin to Everyone: @Samuel,  re: your question on is this response on idea wall offiicial, are you referring to movement of the idea stage?  yes - if the idea stage is changed that would only be done by a CA product manager.  Does this answer your question?

Chaitan Shet to Everyone: @Santhosh Shankar ......No, if you do not have CEM, you can only guess on network time.  But you do have the ability to view business segment (JVM) time and Browser Time

Luke Lofgren to Everyone: I also would benefit from seeing improvements in handling JMX; sometimes the "simple" things are very powerful to have certain development communities expand their use of APM.

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: @Chaitan - what’s the rough timeline on it?

Nishant Kabra to Everyone: @Dwight - We added support for TLS 1.1 and 1.2 in APM 10

norman to Everyone: @Nishant, there is "overhead" on TT auto propagation when monitoing application that is "Death by a thousand cuts".

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: @luke can you vote and comment on my idea?

Dwight Spence to Everyone: Can APM 10 and APM 9.6 running on the same server?

Nishant Kabra to Everyone: @Aaron - We are planning an enhanced PHP agent, cant share dates yet, and support for 5.6 is high on the list.

Luke Lofgren to Everyone: @Aaron Doesn't appear voting is allowed anymore.

Luke Lofgren to Everyone: @Nishant Yea on TLS support!

norman to Everyone: one more question here, is it possible to share with us the roadmap on linking up all together the BTRM +CEM + TT on every traced transaction (including transactions from mobile application.) The existing situation of us is that, we need to use some internal ID to link up all the information from CEM, TT, etc. together during troubleshooting of applications performance problem.

Chaitan Shet to Everyone: @Reginald....That is one of the goals of Agent Command Center (ACC). I just don't have the specifics of the exact timeline that is going to be productized in.

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: @luke you seem to be right, can you at least comment on it?

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: q7) it would be nice if the idea could be still voted at if its set to not planned: https://communities.ca.com/ideas/235713852 or what would be the prozess if there are still customer wanting such an idea to be delivered?

Chaitan Shet to Everyone: @Aaron to answer q6: Yes Runtime domains.xml is being worked upon inhouse. Would you like to join the Beta validation for this feature?

Luke Lofgren to Everyone: @Aaron Done...though not very creatively.

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: q8) are there any new features provided/planned by CA ABA (for IT Predictive Analysis)

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: @Chaitan, yes i would be interested, if it is in the normal beta program i will get the info and otherwhise let me know directly

Samuel Wai to Everyone: We are currently running in APM v9.1. What is the recommended version 10.0000 or 10.1 or 10.2? Assuming No specific requirement on new features in v10.

Melanie Giuliani to Everyone: @aaron - voting/commenting is disabled when the idea is moved to certain stages (ie. not planned, currently planned, delivered) becuase those stages are final stops on the idea path. If you'd like to see this implemented, you could submit an idea on the WC and we can look into the feasiblity of making this change. https://communities.ca.com/community/the-water-cooler

Nishant Kabra to Everyone: @Aaron - I agree with the JMX requirement but it is not targeted in a near term release. But we will continue to review it with other items in our backlog

Chaitan Shet to Everyone: @Aaron...thats great! Let me reach out to you via email. In the meanwhile, would it be possible to let me know if you have joined the CA APM Beta Community and signed the NDA please?

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: @Chaitan, yes i am part since the beginning

Dwight Spence to Everyone: Is the TIM Analyzer a supported field pack?

Chaitan Shet to Everyone: @Aaron, am afraid I am forbidden from giving out any timeline. But let me keep in touch with you via the Beta validation and that could possibly give an indication where we are with it ;-)

Chaitan Shet to Everyone: @Aaaron....thanks very much for the confirmation!

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: @Nishant, it would help with lots of things like the GC monitor etc. instead of creating specific jar's it could be "configurable" and potentially simplify support for CA as well

Nishant Kabra to Everyone: @norman - With APM 10, you can see the BRTM traces and CEM integrated including traces from Mobile. Let us know if you are interested in details

norman to Everyone: @nishant, yes, we are planning to apm 10, where i can find the details?

Nishant Kabra to Everyone: @samuel - There is an upgrade path from APM 9.1 to APM 10, so i would recommend upgrading to APM 10

Samuel Wai to Everyone: @Nishant... Are there any recommendation on minor version 10.1 or 10.2 as a stable release?

Chaitan Shet to Everyone: @Dwight - Please could you help me with slightly more details of the fieldpack you are referring to?

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: q9) the initial configuration of the agents is still very complex and error-prone are there plans to simplify?

Nishant Kabra to Everyone: @Aaron - We are constantly evaluating and improving our analytics features in APM, we released Differential Analysis in APM 10 that automatically detects performance abnoralities in the Application. As we enhance our analytics capabilities to solve more performance problems, we will continue to look at ABA and/or invest in new analytics features

Chaitan Shet to Everyone: @norman Three ways you could access more information on APM 10...1) There is a session happening in a few mins on APM 10 - Melanie shared the link a few mins ago 2) The CA wiki pages has some great documentation 3) Please join the APM Beta community, we would be glad to have you there

Melanie Giuliani to Everyone: @norman - here is the link to the APM 10 event again: https://communities.ca.com/events/2156

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: q9) addition (i understand that the more it does "by itself" magically, you get other error areas)

norman to Everyone: @chaitan, how to join the beta community?

Melanie Giuliani to Everyone: @norman - this blog post should explain how to get started w/ the beta community https://communities.ca.com/community/ca-apm/blog/2014/09/08/getting-involved-in-the-ca-apm-beta-community

Nishant Kabra to Everyone: @Samuel - Yes, APM 10 is a major version from us and we released several new functionality. We have several customers installing APM 10.

Chaitan Shet to Everyone: @Aaron to answer q9.....we are surely looking into it....and have some ongoing initiatives around it.

norman to Everyone: @chaitian, we already got some idea from our local consultant, and we would like to get more details in case we would like to use apm to manage our mobile apps as well

Samuel Wai to Everyone: @Nishant. Thanks.

Chaitan Shet to Everyone: @Melanie...thanks...

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: @nishant i saw some analytics implementations which had especialy a big value on cross technology e.g. from storrage > server hw > server os > application > user, is the analytics going as well in to this direction?

norman to Everyone: @chaitian, ok thanks, got it

Chaitan Shet to Everyone: @Norman...would be glad to have you on our Beta Communities! Looking forward to see you there!

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: @chaitan, i guess one of the main initiative is command center, are there any others?

Nishant Kabra to Everyone: @Samuel - Depending on your scenario and timelines that suit you, I suggest going with latest APM release.

Nishant Kabra to Everyone: @aaron - We have several initiatives at CA to address the IT Operational Analytics usecases that I believe you are describing. Let me know if you are interested and we would love to get your feedback and ideas

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: @nishant yes me and colleagues are actually very interested in this topic, please get in contact with me

Chaitan Shet to Everyone: @Aaron....yes certainly...:) you may want to read this blog post: https://communities.ca.com/community/ca-apm/blog/2015/08/04/why-apm-strategies-need-to-be-rethought-for-the-application-economy

Melissa Potvin to Everyone: Hi Everyone,  10 minute warning !  please submit final questions !

Aaron Ritter to Everyone: i have to go, thanks a lot for the great chat and feedbacks and i am looking forward for the outstanding ones, its a nice platform to colaborate.

norman to Everyone: thanks all

Melissa Potvin to Everyone: @Aaron, thanks for joining today!

Nishant Kabra to Everyone: As a reminder, if you want to engage with the product teams more closely then you can also register into our private beta community. We can share more details around the features that we are working on and get your feedback. https://communities.ca.com/community/ca-apm/blog/2014/09/08/getting-involved-in-the-ca-apm-beta-community

Chaitan Shet to Everyone: @Everyone! Thanks for your time today. Really appreciate the oppurtunity I have had to talk to you all. Thanks for all the wonderful questions and comments.  A few things: 1) you may want to join the session on APM 10 happening now - The link is here: https://communities.ca.com/events/2156 2) Please join the Beta Community. We look forward to interacting with you and having you there

Nishant Kabra to Everyone: Thanks everyone for joining and posting your questions. It was great chatting with you all today.

Melanie Giuliani to Everyone: Alright, that's it for today! Thank you everyone for your thoughtful questions! We will be posting the transcript from today's even later today in the APM community.

Melanie Giuliani to Everyone: And don't forget we will be having another Product Management Office Hours in September. https://communities.ca.com/events/2175

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