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How to add SOI Services with inclusions using data from Excel 

Apr 08, 2015 06:54 AM

I am using the following process to follow to build 'bulk' SOI Services and inclusions till an easier alternative is available.


1. Create an Excel workbook with worksheets for Services, Groups, CIs and Relationships. Use the required USM Properties as column headings for each.(See Add_Service_Template.xlsx)

2. Populate your spreadsheets with the applicable information.

3. Create an .xml file (Create seperate files for Services, Groups, CIs and Relationships) to use as a source-file for Excel structure. (See examples in Source_Template_xml)

4. Using the 'Developer' tool on Excel, point to the .xml sourcefile created in 3.

Notes: The developer option is not enabled by default.

       On the "Services" spreadsheet, add a source-file 'Services.xml' (defined in 3). Drag and drop the properties of the Services.xml sourcefile to your columns in Excel.

5. Export the Services, Groups, CIs and Relationships spreadsheets as xml files and save somewhere.

6. Use a Macro to change the 'tags' to the required 'tags' as specified in the 'universalAdd_ServiceModel.xml' file in %SOI_HOME% (See example in prepare_xml_files)

7. Build a new xml-file\s for the Services to be created with CI, Groups and Relationships. (See Build_Service.xml)

8. Either run the file\s manually using the GCEventAddCmd.bat or schedule it using a .bat file. (I use .bat-files as I run this after hours)

See the Word document (Building a Service using a combination of Excel and.docx) for more info on the steps performed.


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Dec 04, 2015 04:28 AM

Hi Bill,


you can set the Integration Services (IFW) into debug mode on the SOI Manager - let me know if you need the steps how to do that.

Then you get ***_RAW and ***_PUB files in the SOI\log\debugData directory.

Look for the files from the Universal Connector: CA_09997.....

In these files you can see what is published to the Manager.


I did some tests on my server (using SOI 4.0):

The Add_ServiceModel works fine.

The Add_Service creates a Service which you can see in the Modeler, but the Service is not shown directly in the Console.  E.g. you cann add the new Service as Sub-Service to any existing Service.



Dec 03, 2015 02:39 PM

Is there a way to find out why the add service is not working?  I understand that the results returned to GCEventAddCmd.bat are simply the status that the Universal Connector accepted the request.  Are there any log files or other things that I can check on the system with the Universal Connector (the manager system) that I can look at to find out why it is failing?


I've tried even stepping back and using the example XMLs to see if I can at least get the MyService (universalAdd_Service.xml) or the UCService (universalAdd_ServiceModel) created.  But even the sample XMLs are not producing results on my system (3.3 CU2)

Nov 11, 2015 04:52 AM

Hi Bill,


for clarification:

GCEventAddCmd.bat is a command file that submits information to the SOI Universal Connector.

It can only check if the syntax being used to call itself is correct - and then it gives a RC = 0.

It cannot check if the information specified in the xml file is valid to be processed by SOI, e.g. if all mandatory properties are specified, if the spelling is correct (case-sensitive), if relationships are used between existing CIs, etc.



Nov 10, 2015 01:43 PM

Did you find out what was happening in your test environment?  I am also having the problem with it returning "Return code: 0", but nothing is created.

Apr 16, 2015 05:38 AM

Hi Madeline, firstly many thanks for this!


I second bcarb's comment that CA need to consider how many of the active user community have been looking at this and that considerations need to be made within the product.


CA, would an idea be necessary for this?



Apr 15, 2015 12:23 PM

This is excellent, Madelaine. Thanks for sharing.


We were relying on WSSamServiceCmd.bat to save and then reload services - but your method is more straight-forward, and it puts the data in an agnostic format.  BTW, for alertqueue, escalation policy, and group permissions data, we created windows batch scripts that call the REST interface (and make heavy use of gnu sed, curl, etc)  to save data into flat files and then reload them on other SOI installations. The problem is that REST is incomplete, and doesn't handle hierarchical and iterative functions well.


We need to push CA to include simpler ways to import and export data, since it is obvious from the posts in the forum that there are many use-cases for this.

Apr 09, 2015 08:35 AM

There we go, looks like it worked for me in my development environment.  Must be something going on in my test environment.  Thanks for this!!

Apr 09, 2015 08:32 AM

No problem.  I was going to say - i dont think its an issue with the file because i removed everything and only left a single 'addservice' event and still didn't get a service created.


Let me try in another environment, maybe its something with the environment I am testing on (we are on 3.3 as well).

Apr 09, 2015 02:14 AM

To avoid any further confusion (from my side )


I copied the Build_Service.xml content and tested that in my Test area. The Services are built correctly. So there isn't anything wrong with the Build_Service.xml file.

Apr 09, 2015 02:02 AM

I saw that I uploaded the incorrect filw.

In the Build_Service.xml there is a missing space and my Relationships are also not correct. I am uploading the correct Build_Service.xml file.

(So the issue was my files, nothing on your side)

Apr 09, 2015 01:02 AM

I am running SOI v3.3. I also noted the same symptom you got when I first did this. I found the problem was in my .xml file. If I remember correctly, it was an issue with the 'Semantic' type in the Relationship file. (Incorrect case). Also check that you pass valid USM properties. If you are using the same properties I am, it might just boil down to different versions of SOI. I am going to use my own files again and just double-check my stuff.

Apr 08, 2015 04:21 PM



What version of SOI have you run this against?  I'm only asking because I seem to be having trouble replecating the results using your build file.  The interesting thing is that the GCEventAddCmd runs and gives me back a return code of 0, but nothing actually happens.

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