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 Visualizer: Icons based on class not on family

Christoph Granacher's profile image
Christoph Granacher posted Sep 26, 2022 08:38 AM

is there a way to have visualizer display CI icons based on class and not on family (as default)?

We had a configuration on the old visualizer (version 14), which let us achieve exacly that.
Since the migration to version 17.3 we can't configure the same.

Thank You in advance

Christoph Granacher
Armin Lengauer's profile image
Armin Lengauer
There is a configuration file "application.conf" in $NX_ROOT\bopcfg\www\CATALINA_BASE_VIZ\webapps\CMDBVisualizer\WEB-INF\classes
Though a configuration like the following should make the icons depending on the class, Visualizer cannot resolve the correct icons then (it seems it is still checking the family in the database): 

# attributes or columns to fetch.
# NOTE: "id" attribute is mandatory and will be used as the node id, so, the column it points to should be unique
# NOTE: "delete_flag" attribute is mandatory and will be used for cache deletion on deleting the CI and should be the last attribute
# format= cachedName->actualDBColumnName, cachedName->actualDBColumnName
attribute = [ "id->own_resource_uuid", "name->resource_name", "family->resource_class", "class->resource_class", "status->resource_status", "location->location_uuid", "manufacturer->manufacturer_uuid", "model->model_uuid", "vendor_repair->maintenance_vendor_uuid", "delete_flag->inactive" ]

It just seems to have an effect on the information tag. 

Can anyone else comment on this ?
Vallinayagam Pitchaimani's profile image
Broadcom Employee Vallinayagam Pitchaimani
Armin Lengauer ​, configuration that mentioned are meant for internal caching purpose and not used for setting/configuring icons