Attached are the two calendar definitions. The extended calendar and the standard holiday calendar.
The issue is the extended calendar is used as a run_calendar and a exclude calendar. The job in question uses the extended calendar as a exclude calendar and was not supposed to run on Labor day but did.
/* ----------------- Erpfi_Labdist ----------------- */
insert_job: Erpfi_Labdist job_type: BOX
owner: jserpfiP10
permission: gx
date_conditions: 1
days_of_week: su,mo,tu,we,th,fr,sa
exclude_calendar: CalDay1thru2WD1ShiftWBS
start_times: "17:40"
condition: d(Erppm_Cats2pm_ABAP)
description: "Post labor and vehicle distributions from CATS"
job_terminator: 1
alarm_if_fail: 1
alarm_if_terminated: 0
group: PRD
The interesting fact is the job was not supposed to run on the January 2nd, and it didn't. (I checked the demon log).
I am not sure if the "Schedule anyways, ignoring Holidays" is messing it up.