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 Autosys File Trigger Error "file failed to be detected"

Dustin Feighner's profile image
Dustin Feighner posted Sep 12, 2023 12:00 PM

We are seeing the file trigger error "file failed to be detected" when a csv file is dropped from Tableau Prep onto the drive.    If I take the file, modify it and drop the file the file trigger runs properly.   It seems the file trigger does not like the file created by Tableau Prep.

Does anybody know what causes this "file failed to be detected" error?    I have tried having 2 retries on failure but each retry fails as well.

Here is the JIL for the file trigger.

insert_job: XXXXXX_AI_PEARL_GO_CART_1_FT    job_type: ft
description: File trigger for go_cart.csv import
machine: xxxxxx
owner: xxxx@xxxx
box_name: 173500_AI_PEARL_GO_CART_BOX
alarm_if_fail: y
alarm_if_terminated: y
send_notification: n
watch_file: \\xxx\go_cart.csv
watch_file_win_user: xxxx@xxxx
watch_file_recursive: false
watch_file_type: UPDATE
watch_no_change: 10

Dustin Feighner's profile image
Dustin Feighner

For anybody having this problem, this is due to how the "watch_file_type" is setup.  Mine was setup for "Update", but it should have been setup for "Generate".  Our process is deleting the file for producing the file which causes problems for the "Update"