For anyone interested, what I was contemplating with this request was a quality assurance test. Knowing that over time, performance of jobs change, I don't want to be surprised when a job to creep towards the connection timeout. Its my chance to either fix the integration or adjust the timeout. So here's the query I came up with.
/* jobs with connection attributes, allowing compare of ERT to connection timeout values */
SELECT TO_CHAR(ocv.ocv_value) connectionName
,TO_CHAR(ocv1.ocv_value) AS connectTimeout
,TO_CHAR(ocv2.ocv_value) AS readTimeout
FROM uc4adm.oh oh
-- ocv the first time to get the jobs connection name
INNER JOIN uc4adm.ocv ON oh.oh_idnr = ocv.ocv_oh_idnr
AND ocv.ocv_connection = 1
-- use the ocv to loop back to OH to get that connection
LEFT JOIN uc4adm.oh oh2 ON TO_CHAR(ocv.ocv_value) = oh2.oh_name
AND oh2.oh_deleteflag = 0
AND oh.oh_client = oh2.oh_client
-- ocv the second time to get the connection's connect timeout
LEFT JOIN uc4adm.ocv ocv1 ON oh2.oh_idnr = ocv1.ocv_oh_idnr
AND ocv1.OCV_VNAME = 'connectTimeout'
-- ocv the third time to get the connection's read timeout
LEFT JOIN uc4adm.ocv ocv2 ON oh2.oh_idnr = ocv2.ocv_oh_idnr
AND ocv2.OCV_VNAME = 'responseTimeout'
WHERE oh.oh_otype = 'JOBS'
AND oh.oh_deleteflag = 0
AND oh.oh_client = 200
ORDER BY TO_CHAR(ocv.ocv_value), oh.oh_name
Original Message:
Sent: Dec 04, 2023 11:23 AM
From: Doug Miles
Subject: Where in the database are the connection and read timeout settings?
Thanks, Peter, that was exactly it. Appreciate your help!
Original Message:
Sent: Dec 01, 2023 06:37 AM
From: Peter Grundler
Subject: Where in the database are the connection and read timeout settings?
Hi Doug,
try this:
select OH_Client, OH_Name, OCV_VName, OCV_Value
from OCV
inner join OH on (OCV_OH_Idnr = OH_Idnr)
where OH_Name = 'CONN.<yourname>'
and OH_DeleteFlag = 0
order by OCV_VName;
Automic Certified Professional/Expert & Broadcom Knight
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Original Message:
Sent: Nov 30, 2023 04:31 PM
From: Doug Miles
Subject: Where in the database are the connection and read timeout settings?
When defining an API CONNection object (Rest or SOAP), I can define the Connection Timeout and the Read Timeout values. But I cannot find these in the database. Can anyone point me to the right table/columns?