Hi community, can anyone try to access https://ftp.broadcom.com/WebInterface/redirectftp_withauth.html?path=/priv/cbtmaint/CAPrivilegedAccessMgmt/CAPrivilegedAccessManagement/PAM/patches/CAPAM_4.1.4.p.zip
I tried 3 browsers and nothing happen. I just want to donwload 4.1.4 patch;
Hello Higor, It's working for me. The starting point is https://ftp.broadcom.com/user/downloads/priv/cbtmaint/CAPrivilegedAccessMgmt/CAPrivilegedAccessManagement/PAM/patches/CAPAM_4.1.4.p.zip, which prompts for authentication, and once authenticated the download should start with the "redirectftp_withauth" URL seen in the browser like you show it. This is a rather large file, almost three GB.