Service Virtualization

Service Virtualization - Capability Series - Password Decrypter - A Virtual Service to Decrypt Passwords encrypted in DevTest Properties Files 

Oct 03, 2019 02:49 AM

One of the Top banking customer recently faced a problem. Their administrator forgot the password of a specific component in the Eco system and needed a way to recollect in order to open the system. The customer reached out to Engineering team to decrypt the password and the result is this simple utility that uses a customized Virtual Service to decrypted a password that is shared as Input.

Most importantly, the Virtual Service demonstrates the following features of the Product:

1. Using Xpath Regex to extract a piece of Data from the Request to a Virtual Service
2. Assigning parameter values from Request data
3. Using Beanshell Scrip execution to manipulate Response data before it is sent from a Virtual Service
4. Accessing DevTest Utility classes to achieve utility functions such as encryption and decryption

Steps to install and invoke decrypter VS:
1. Create a new project in Workstation based on the MAR file decrypter.mar
2. Right click on the file dec3.vsm and 'deploy' it to VSE
3. The virtual service is an SOAP based service that listens on port 39008
4. To decrypt a string that was encrypted by devtest, simply invoke the test case dec3_20191001-222502687.tst which is part of the MAR file and gets imported to the project created in step 1. 
As shown below, pass the encrypted data as an argument in the request and the response would contain the decrypted data.
Sample Request:

0 Favorited
1 Files
zip file
Unzip this file to get the decrypter.mar file   135 KB   1 version
Uploaded - Oct 03, 2019

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May 28, 2020 06:15 PM

Nice - Thanks Sankar!

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