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Tech Tips: Creating and Configuring Multiple Simulators on the Same Machine for Windows Services 

Jun 12, 2017 01:35 PM

Creating and Configuring Multiple Simulators on the Same Machine for Windows Services


All support DEVTEST windows platforms


Go to DEVTEST/bin folder: 

Copy SimulatorService.exe to SimulatorService2.exe 
Copy SimulatorService.exe to SimulatorService3.exe 
Copy SimulatorService.exe to SimulatorService4.exe



You will then create new. vmoptions files for SimulatorService2.vmoptions

 and SimulatorService3.vmoptions


Bring up a command Window, Run as administrator.

Execute the below SC commands to create the Windows services:


>sc create "DevTest SimulatorService2" binPath= C:\DevTest\bin\SimulatorService2.exe


(Note: There is a space after binPath=)
Make sure you give it a unique name like "DevTest SimulatorService2" so you don’t over-write the default SimulatorService in the Windows Services. By default its called " DevTest Simulator Service"


Do the same for Service 3:

>sc create "DevTest SimulatorService3" binPath= C:\DevTest\bin\SimulatorService3.exe


For the .vmoptions file put the properties below:




SimulatorService2.vmoptions will contain


-Dlisa.simulatorName=Sim2 (unique name – this is what we display on the Console) (Whatever port you need to use for this new Simulator, needs to be unique) 
-DLISA_LOG=simulator2.log (the simulatorservice 2  log file)

SimulatorService3.vmoptions file


-Dlisa.simulatorName=Sim3 (unique name – this is what we display on the Console) (Whatever port you need to use for this new Simulator, needs to be unique) 
-DLISA_LOG=simulator3.log (the simulatorservice 3  log file)

Stop and start the DevTest Components to pick up the new Simulators.

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